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Pupils love attending this school. They flourish and thrive here.
The school's values of compassion, challenge and excellence are deeply embedded in school life. Staff show great care and commitment to pupils at the school. Pupils can talk to one of their 'favourite five' trusted adults if they are worried about anything.
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), excel in their learning. Outcomes in the Year 6 national assessments are well above average. Pupils also achieve very well across the wider curriculum, for example in art, music and sports.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary in class and around the school. They ar...e articulate, mature and respectful. Children in the early years focus on their learning, cooperate with each other and listen to their teachers.
Older pupils act as role models and mentors for younger children.
Pupils have many opportunities to develop their talents and interests. Many pupils join one of the two choirs, the orchestra or the steel pans groups.
Recently, a group of pupils sang at Buckingham Palace. Pupils also take part in 'the politics project', 'aspirations day' and 'culture day'. They are exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has created a rich and ambitious curriculum. Leaders have carefully chosen what subject content pupils should learn and in what order. This means that pupils build their knowledge, make connections in their learning and apply their understanding with increasing confidence.
For example, in music, pupils learn a broad range of composition, performance and evaluation skills through pulse and rhythm in Reception and Year 1. This enables pupils to confidently deepen their musical understanding and play instruments such as keyboards and drums. In Latin, pupils learn the present tense in Year 3, the past tense in Year 4 and then the interchange between past and present tenses in Year 5 confidently.
The school makes sure that pupils develop high levels of digital knowledge and skills across the curriculum.
Reading is a big priority at the school. Stories, rhymes and songs bring high-quality texts to life in Nursery.
Children learn formal phonics from the start of Reception. Pupils, including the lowest readers, develop strong reading skills. The books that pupils read match the sounds they are learning in class.
Children who need help are identified quickly and supported effectively. As a result of high-quality training, staff demonstrate strong subject knowledge and deliver the phonics programme well. Pupils of all ages enjoy reading.
Many pupils join the school with low levels of literacy. They quickly learn to talk in full sentences, use key vocabulary and project their voice when speaking about their learning. Pupils with SEND achieve very well across the curriculum and are fully included in the life of the school.
They receive expert support and adaptations so that their needs are closely met. Children in early years are very well prepared for Year 1. They enjoy discussing their work and happily share their thoughts and ideas.
They take turns, listen to each other and follow instructions extremely well.
The school has the highest expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils rise to these expectations.
They have incredibly positive attitudes to their learning. Pupils follow the school's 'three key agreements' and demonstrate the 10 'excellent learner' attributes. The school promotes high attendance with compassion and challenge.
Leaders make regular home visits if required. As a result, pupils attend school very regularly.
The school provides pupils with a wide and rich set of experiences.
This year, pupils have completed many thousands of hours of extra-curricular activities which help them to graduate from the 'St Fidelis University'. The school builds on pupils' independence exceptionally well, for instance through sleepovers and residential visits and actively raising money for the homeless.
The school provides pupils with many opportunities to take on responsibilities.
For example, pupils can become prefects, sports leaders or reading champions. They can help with the monthly food bank collections, become rights respecting school ambassadors or join the Evangelium Group. Pupils very regularly attend the many after-school clubs, including street dance, Spanish and football.
They can attend one of the many outings, including to the British Library, Tate Modern or the Houses of Parliament. All pupils benefit from outdoor experiences in the natural environment.
Leaders, including governors, have created an ambitious culture that puts pupils' learning at the centre of everything that they do.
Staff take pride in working here and are highly valued. Staff, parents and pupils are rightly proud to be part of this school community.