St Filumena’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Filumena’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Filumena’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Edward Howard
Address Caverswall, Blythe Bridge, Stoke-on-Trent, ST11 9EA
Phone Number 01782392367
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 179
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

All members of the St Filumena's community are united in their view that this is a special school to attend.

A dedicated team of staff, supported by inspirational leaders, ensure that every pupil fulfils their academic potential. Pupils develop a love of learning because of the exciting curriculum they experience.

Pupils behave exceptionally well.

Classrooms are calm places where learning is uninterrupted. Pupils listen attentively, eager to answer questions to deepen their understanding. They are highly motivated and want to do well.

Pupils demonstrate the ability to work independently and are resilient when faced with challenges.

Pupils fe...el safe because of the warm relationships they form with each other and staff. They learn the importance of sharing their concerns and know who to report to should they have a problem.

Pupils understand that they are responsible for caring for each other and that by doing this, their school is a nice place to be.

Many pupils develop new talents and interests during their time at school. Some learn to play musical instruments, while all learn to ride a bike and swim by the time they leave school.

Pupils enjoy opportunities to sing at community events and raise money for charities they support.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

This school provides an exceptional standard of education because of the clear vision and supportive culture that has been developed. In partnership with the trust, leaders are insistent that every pupil will achieve well.

The school ensures that staff are suitably trained to deliver the ambitious curriculum as intended. Staff feel valued and are proud that their contributions make a positive difference in the lives of their pupils. All staff are 'leaders of learning' and develop and monitor the subjects they lead effectively.

Pupils achieve exceptionally well. Staff are skilled in checking pupils' understanding carefully. They make sure that every pupil can keep up with their learning.

Pupils develop their vocabulary and enjoy using new words when describing what they know. They become effective communicators and show active listening.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve highly.

The school has effective systems in place to identify pupils with SEND at the earliest point. Staff complete accurate assessments of pupils' needs in partnership with external agencies. SEND support plans include clear strategies that enable pupils to access the same curriculum as their peers.

Children in the early years learn to read from their first days in school. They listen intently to staff who bring stories to life. Children concentrate for long periods and demonstrate that they can control their emotions when they play and learn.

Children show a readiness for the next stage of their learning by the time they leave Reception.

Pupils develop a love of reading. Many can read fluently by the time they reach Year 3.

Pupils use their reading skills to develop an in-depth understanding of topics they study. Many pupils read frequently at home, enjoying books from their school library with their families. Pupils love story time and the opportunity to listen to tales from different periods and cultures.

Pupils become fluent in mathematics, demonstrating an impressive ability to use what they learn to solve increasingly complex problems. From the early days in school, children in Reception explore patterns and learn to count and order numbers. Pupils develop skills and knowledge across all areas of the curriculum.

For example, in art, pupils master aspects such as painting and drawing as they progress through the school. They appreciate the work of artists and understand concepts such as impressionism and abstract.

Attendance rates are very high.

Most pupils come to school every day, which helps them to make the most of the rich curriculum on offer. They welcome visitors with a smile and are polite and eager to share what makes their school a special place to belong. Those pupils who experience difficulties and worries are supported by well-trained staff who check on their well-being regularly.

Pupils speak proudly about holding leadership roles. They lead prayer, act as sports and computing leaders and show great confidence when doing so. Pupils enjoy learning about other cultures, faiths and traditions.

They learn about countries far from their own and develop an understanding that differences are to be celebrated.

Parents and carers are pleased with the communication they have with the school. Many know that their children are happy because of the exceptional care they receive.

The school pays close attention to parents' views and ensures that they involve them in their children's education. All are committed to maintaining this productive partnership as they strive for continued excellence.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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