St Frideswide Church of England Primary School

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About St Frideswide Church of England Primary School

Name St Frideswide Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Hannah Forder-Ball
Address Cricket Road, Oxford, OX4 3DR
Phone Number 01865509444
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 306
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this happy place, where kindness is at the heart of the school community. Staff give genuine care and support to all pupils. Pupils are respected, valued and feel safe.

They are confident to talk about any concerns that they may have and know that staff will do their best to help them.

The school is highly ambitious that all pupils will learn a rich and interesting curriculum, going beyond academic subjects to ensure that pupils develop skills for life. Consequently, pupils are very engaged and keen to learn.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well. In lessons, pupils listen carefully to... adults' instructions and are keen to learn.

Pupils set themselves, and achieve, high standards of behaviour.

They respect each other, show good manners and are polite. Pupils exemplify the school's values of 'joy, courage and justice'. Parents and carers are highly positive about the school.

One comment which typifies the school was: 'I cannot praise the staff at the school enough for their commitment, positivity and drive for ensuring that every child has the chance to succeed.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Supported notably by the trust, the school has overhauled its curriculum, ensuring that it is broad and balanced. The changes made are having a positive impact on standards in the school.

Ambition is high, starting in the pre-school. Across the curriculum the important knowledge, skills and subject-specific vocabulary that pupils need to learn and remember is ordered carefully. This ensures that new curriculum content builds firmly on pupils' previous learning.

While the new curriculum is fit for purpose, the legacy of the past is still present in places. Some pupils have gaps in their understanding of what they should have learned previously. As a result, while standards are now improving, and pupils currently in the school are achieving well, national test outcomes in key stage 1 and key stage 2 in 2022 remained below average.

Teachers deliver the curriculum effectively. They have strong knowledge of their subjects. They explain new concepts with precision, and use questioning well to check pupils' understanding successfully.

As a result, many pupils can confidently recall what they are learning, using the appropriate subject language. Teachers use assessment information consistently well to check that that pupils have understood new learning. They use this information to check misconceptions and offer support in a timely manner.

Staff identify pupils' additional needs quickly and accurately, collaborating closely with other professionals when needed. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported effectively and have access to the full curriculum, like their classmates, through careful adaptations.

Reading is prioritised.

Pupils have access to a range of interesting books from the moment they start in pre-school. They are prepared well for learning phonics, which helps them to become fluent readers. Teachers regularly assess pupils' reading progress.

Those pupils who need additional help receive effective support to catch up. Pupils have access to carefully selected texts to help them develop a love of reading.

Attendance is a high priority for the school.

Despite the school's extensive and determined efforts, too many pupils miss school on a regular basis. Although the school is securing improvements, leaders at all levels know that some pupils risk falling behind with their learning. This is particularly the case for pupils with SEND or pupils who are vulnerable.

In other respects, the attitude of pupils towards school is highly positive.

Pupils experience an exceptionally well planned personal development programme. They understand about British values and the importance of diversity.

Pupils learn valuable life skills such how to use a washing machine, managing money, life-saving skills and cooking. Leaders identify and provide precise opportunities to develop pupils' talents and interests, including boxing, karate, cycling and outdoor adventure skills. Pupils learn how to become thoughtful and resilient individuals.

They develop their own leadership skills though responsibilities such as school councillors, wellness ambassadors and eco-warriors. There is a great sense of working together as a team. At lunchtime, the family-style service enables pupils to take turns serving lunch, starting in Reception Year, where adults support children to get involved in this.

The trust, governors, and leaders at all levels are highly committed to providing the best possible opportunities for all pupils. They have an insightful understanding of the school's current strengths and areas for development. Delegated responsibilities are carried out effectively and the effectiveness of systems is routinely evaluated.

There is a trusting and inclusive culture in which staff feel valued. Leaders prioritise staff well-being and ensure that staff workload is manageable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Historical weaknesses in the curriculum mean that not all pupils have learned the full knowledge, skills and subject-specific vocabulary that leaders intend across the curriculum. This impedes the ability of some to access the current curriculum at the correct planned level. The trust should ensure that successful implementation of the new curriculum fills the remaining gaps in pupils' knowledge, so that pupils achieve the desired curriculum outcomes as planned.

• Too many pupils, including some of the most vulnerable and those with SEND, do not attend school often enough. This means they miss valuable learning, develop gaps in their understanding and find it hard to remember key knowledge and skills. The trust should ensure that its work with parents results in these pupils improving their attendance at school.

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