St George’s, Bickley, Church of England Primary School

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About St George’s, Bickley, Church of England Primary School

Name St George’s, Bickley, Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Head of School Mrs Jennifer Francis
Address Tylney Road, Bromley, BR1 2RL
Phone Number 02084604266
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 402
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's key phrases, 'flourish and succeed', 'lifelong learners' and 'mutual respect', underpin everything that leaders and staff do. Pupils enjoy school and are very proud members of their community.

They are highly motivated and enthusiastic learners.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils' achievement and pupils relish this. Across a range of subjects, pupils achieve consistently highly.

This is because leaders have developed a clear, well-sequenced curriculum and pupils remember their learning in the long term.

Pupils are happy and safe. Working relationships between adults and pupils are warm and caring.

Behaviour is exemplary a...nd pupils concentrate hard on their work during lessons. If on the rare occasion pupils lose focus, it is dealt with quickly and does not impact on pupils' learning. Staff work quickly to resolve any issues that pupils bring to their attention, including bullying.

Themed events such as careers week and workshops are planned to deepen pupils' learning. Extra-curricular activities and clubs are varied and popular. These include sport and poetry competitions, musical concerts, and events, such as 'St George's Has Got Talent'.

Pupils have many opportunities to take on responsibilities. These range from being an anti-bullying ambassador, mentoring younger pupils or running the school's 'Life Savers' bank, where pupils can deposit and save money.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff have designed an ambitious curriculum.

They have given careful thought to what pupils need to know at each stage of their time in school, and how this builds towards the long-term curriculum goals. The early years is a clear example of this. The most important knowledge and skills that children will learn has been very well planned and sequenced.

As a result, children get off to an impressive start.

Pupils acquire detailed knowledge in a wide range of subjects. They have regular opportunities to practise and go over knowledge and skills and make links across their learning.

As a result, pupils confidently recall learning from previous years and how what they are learning now follows on from this.

The key vocabulary to support learning in a subject has been identified. Staff use every opportunity to reinforce pupils' use and understanding of these words.

When talking about their learning, pupils use subject-specific vocabulary with precision. Teachers systematically check what pupils know and understand. They use this information effectively to adapt learning, when needed, and address any gaps in pupils' understanding.

In each subject, teachers are skilled at promoting discussion of important themes and ideas. Pupils are taught to question each other's opinions in a respectful way. They particularly enjoy the whole-school event called 'tell us something we don't know'.

They like being able to put their communication skills into action and compete with other schools in the trust.

Leaders have a sharp focus on reading. Staff are highly skilled in the teaching of phonics, which begins as soon as children start school.

Pupils are given books to practise reading that are matched to the sounds that they know and are learning. This helps to improve pupils' confidence and fluency. Pupils who need extra help are quickly identified and support is put in place.

Pupils talk with enthusiasm about the books they are reading, and they read widely. They enjoy daily story time, use of the school library and the regular opportunities to read for pleasure during the school day.

Pupils with special educational need and/or disabilities (SEND) are quickly identified, and appropriate support is put in place.

Staff are skilled at making suitable adaptations, including through the use of additional resources, to ensure pupils with SEND access the learning confidently.

When putting in place the ambitious curriculum, leaders have focused deliberately on ensuring that it reflects the experiences and context of pupils and the wider community. Pupils and staff said that this helps them to feel valued members of the school.

Pupils are taught to understand and celebrate similarities and differences, such as the ways that families can be different.

The provision for pupils' personal development is just as ambitious as the rest of the curriculum. The school's guiding principles, for example thankfulness, forgiveness and trust, are woven throughout all aspects of school life.

Pupils know and understand these and use them to guide their conduct.

Pupils are keen to learn, and they behave exceptionally well. From the start of early years, they follow clear routines and expectations.

Pupils are taught about keeping safe online, as well as the importance of keeping physically and mentally healthy. They were keen to give examples of how they can do this, such as using '5 ways to well-being'.

Leaders at all levels fully understand their roles and responsibilities.

Trustees and members of the local advisory council know the school exceptionally well. This helps them to provide the right balance of challenge and support. Staff recognise that leaders do all that they can to make their workloads manageable.

They welcome the range of support that they receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff receive regular and up-to-date training.

They know what to look out for and how to report any concern that they may have. Leaders keep careful records and work closely with other agencies to ensure that pupils are kept safe.

Pupils benefit from a range of effective pastoral support.

Staff know how to identify pupils who may need extra help with their mental or emotional health.

The trust carries out regular checks of safeguarding at the school. They ensure that leaders have carried out all the required checks for those who work at or visit the school.

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