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About St George’s Catholic Primary School, Bells Close
Pupils thrive at St George's Primary School. They are happy and kept safe. The culture of the school is built on kindness.
The school has been on a journey of rapid change over the last 18 months. Leaders, staff and pupils recognise these changes. They are extremely proud of their school.
Leaders and staff have high expectations of the behaviour and attitudes of all pupils. Behaviour in classrooms and around the school is exemplary. Pupils understand and demonstrate what is expected of them.
They learn how to be resilient and tolerant and to respect each other. They benefit from clear school rules. Consequently, learning is focused and disruption to lessons i...s rare.
Classrooms are calm and focused places to learn. The school rewards pupils' positive work and attitudes in different ways. Pupils talk enthusiastically about voting for activities in 'Golden Time' as a reward.
There are a variety of leadership roles available for pupils. Pupils say they enjoy leading assemblies as it gives them confidence. They are enthusiastic about their learning beyond the classroom, such as school visits and trips.
Pupils spoke enthusiastically about a trip to Kielder and the activities they took part in, such as the zip wire. Various after-school activities help pupils socialise beyond the school day.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders, trustees and local governors have high aspirations for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
They are united in their drive and ambition for pupils to flourish and develop confidence to achieve whatever they set their minds to.
Children get off to a secure start in the early years. Adults plan the environment carefully to engage children as soon as they come into school each morning.
There is a strong focus on ensuring that children are exposed to a wide range of vocabulary. Children make a secure start to learning to read. Staff are knowledgeable about the provision for the children.
Routines are well established and children are polite and kind to each other.
The school ensures that learning to read is given the highest priority. Leaders recently introduced a new phonics scheme.
They have provided staff with the training they need to deliver the scheme well. There are useful resources available to help parents and carers to support their children at home. Pupils who are not keeping up with the phonics programme are identified quickly.
Adults provide effective support to help them catch up quickly. There is a clear programme for reading throughout the school. Pupils are excited about the newly developed, well-resourced library.
There are themed days to 'hook' the children and develop a love of reading. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the 'Oliver Twist' day when everyone, including staff, dressed up as a character from the book.
Leaders have improved the curriculum across the full range of subjects.
The curriculum sets out what pupils will learn from the early years to Year 6. The knowledge and skills that pupils will learn, and revisit, are mapped out in well-defined steps. Pupils learn important vocabulary that they can use in context when talking about the subject.
They benefit from wider learning experiences. For example, in history, the pupils worked with local historians as 'Heritage Heroes', exploring their local area. In a minority of subjects, the school's work is at an earlier stage of development.
Leaders are aware that these subjects lack the strengths of history and geography and need further thought.
The school has established clear systems to identify the individual needs of pupils with SEND. Staff know pupils well.
They adapt their teaching and use bespoke approaches and resources to help pupils succeed. Staff access support from outside agencies to ensure that all pupils with SEND have a rich learning experience in school. The school prides itself on its inclusive culture.
The curriculum supports pupils to be confident, resilient and independent. Pupils have many opportunities to broaden their understanding of the world around them. There is an expectation that every year group has at least six educational visits every year linked to the curriculum.
Pupils say they have enjoyed going to the local mosque to find out about Islam. They can remember visits to Tynemouth Priory and the Laing art gallery. Pupils know how to stay safe online and they know to go to a trusted adult if they have a worry.
They have a clear view that 'gospel values' help them to be kind and respectful. Pupils' attendance is improving to be more in line with the national average. The school has clear monitoring systems in place.
It works closely with families to show how important it is to come to school every day.
The school is well supported by the local governing body and the trust. They know the school well and challenge leaders effectively.
Leaders are committed to staff development. Staff say that they are very supportive in their approach to managing workload. They appreciate this.
The school holds reading cafés and open mornings to involve parents in their child's learning in school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some curriculum subjects, the school has not identified the important knowledge and vocabulary that pupils need to learn.
Teachers are still developing their curriculum expertise to help them deliver these subjects successfully. This means that pupils do not develop a deep understanding in these subjects over time. The school should ensure that, in all subjects, they identify the knowledge that pupils need for later learning and support teachers to deliver this subject content consistently well.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.