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Staff at this school are passionate and highly dedicated. Pupils benefit from the strong emphasis placed on personal development as well as academic excellence.
This results in them being able to talk confidently about their educational experiences and their aspirations for the future.
The school has exceptionally high expectations for all pupils. These are reflected in consistently high published outcomes.
Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), make very strong progress and play a full part in the life of the school.
Staff are skilled at eliciting highly respectful and courteous relationships with pupils. ...Pupils respond by being highly inclusive and kind to peers.
Excellent systems ensure that pupils have detailed knowledge about who they can speak to and how to stay safe.
The school provides an array of tailored extra activities to meet pupils' interests. These include both sports and creative opportunities.
For example, taking part in the very popular Duke of Edinburgh Award and going on many university visits. Pupils can take up an impressive range of leadership responsibilities, such as supporting younger pupils with their reading or being a sports coach. Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage in their education, training or employment.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has embedded a highly ambitious and rich curriculum, including in the very successful sixth form. There is a wide range of vocational and academic courses which pupils can choose to study in Years 10 to 13. Highly effective leaders are determined that every child should succeed.
The curriculum is very well sequenced and enables pupils to build up their knowledge and skills as they progress through the school exceptionally well. For example, in English, pupils start studying challenging texts in Years 7 and 8. This prepares them to approach their GCSE texts with secure knowledge and understanding.
Teachers have extremely strong subject knowledge. The school has worked determinedly to develop a clear and consistent approach to teaching. As a result, there is a shared understanding of how pupils learn.
Staff are well supported to develop professionally. This supports leaders' continuous drive for improvement. The school has rightly focused on checks to ascertain if pupils can remember and recall their prior learning with accuracy before they apply it to new learning.
In lessons, there are frequent opportunities for pupils to discuss their work. This means they are not afraid of making mistakes and demonstrate great resilience when faced with a challenge.
The school makes very effective use of information to ensure pupils have the additional support they need.
For example, weaker readers are identified quickly using robust testing. Appropriate interventions are put in place to help them become confident and fluent readers. These are monitored carefully to ensure pupils are making the progress the school expects.
Pupils with SEND receive the same very ambitious offer as their peers. Teachers adapt their teaching expertly to ensure that these pupils learn the curriculum extremely well.
There is an extremely broad and well-thought-out personal development programme.
This includes a wide range of tailored opportunities for pupils to develop their character and broaden their horizons. Pupils have a strong understanding of citizenship, including why democracy and tolerance are so important in society. They know how to stay safe including when online.
The school fosters a strong sense of care and community. For example, every pupil receives a personalised message on their birthday. The curriculum is enriched with an exciting range of activities and visits.
Pupils enjoy these activities and can see how it makes their learning relevant.
Pupils receive precise advice and guidance when making important decisions in their educational journey. There are many, useful opportunities for pupils to encounter the world of work and receive detailed information about different careers.
The quality of provision in the sixth form is exceptional.
There is a strong, highly effective focus on pupils attending school and being punctual. As a result, attendance is high.
Leaders manage any issues with absence robustly, working with external agencies when necessary to get the right support in place.
Trustees and governors know their school extremely well. They are rightly deeply proud of its inclusive ethos and the strong outcomes pupils achieve.
They have high expectations of leaders but are also effective in ensuring that staff have an appropriate work-life balance. Staff are proud to work at St George's and have a shared commitment to achieving the best outcomes and life chances for all pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.