St George’s Church of England Primary School

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About St George’s Church of England Primary School

Name St George’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andrew Rojas
Address Coleman Road, Camberwell, London, SE5 7TF
Phone Number 02077034772
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 156
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school because teachers make learning fun and practical.

Pupils are keen to talk about their learning experiences. They take pride in their work. Leaders have high expectations for all.

Staff encourage pupils to do their best.

Pupils behave well. They move around the school sensibly and in a calm, orderly manner.

Pupils are polite and well mannered. For instance, they greet and open doors for each other. They are kind and patient.

They show incredible support and empathy towards each other. Staff enable pupils to develop as tolerant, confident, and articulate individuals.

Playtimes are pleasant places to be....r/>
This is because staff think carefully about what activities they provide. Adults show care and guidance. Staff respond quickly to any concerns raised to ensure pupils stay safe.

Pupils are enthusiastic about the variety of clubs on offer, such as gardening, movies, and street dance. Leaders meet their high aspirations and ensure that all pupils participate in a wide range of outings and visits, including to museums, theatres, universities, and places of worship.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a curriculum that is well thought out.

They have clear expectations about the content they want pupils to learn and remember over time. Strong foundations are set in the early years, where children secure their understanding across all areas of learning well. Pupils build key knowledge in different subjects effectively.

For example, in design and technology, Year 3 pupils used their understanding of different food groups to make a healthy sandwich.

Teachers give clear instructions in lessons. Typically, they check and address pupils' misconceptions effectively.

Sometimes, teaching does not implement the taught curriculum consistently. This is because the school has not ensured that all staff have the required subject-specific training to build their expertise. Attainment outcomes in mathematics and writing for Year 6 pupils in 2022 were low.

However, leaders' recent work to improve these areas has made a positive difference. For instance, careful thought has been given to develop pupils' subject-specific vocabulary and deeper learning.

Leaders have created a culture that is highly welcoming.

They are swift in identifying pupils' individual needs. Leaders train staff effectively in applying appropriate strategies that enable all pupils, including those with SEND, to access learning successfully. Pupils with SEND are eager to do well because the staff support them in knowing that there are no limits to what they can achieve.

Leaders prioritise reading. They identify pupils' phonics knowledge accurately. Many pupils join part way through their primary education, and with limited English.

Leaders are responsive in identifying these pupils' needs. Staff are quick to provide support to help pupils catch up and learn their phonics sounds accurately. This helps pupils to develop their reading fluency and confidence well.

Pupils enjoy reading a wide range of rich texts.

Pupils are taught the importance of readiness for learning. Pupils are motivated to learn new things.

This begins in the early years, where children follow routines well. Low-level disruptions during lessons are few. Interactions between adults and pupils are respectful and built on mutual trust.

Leaders provide exceptional opportunities to enrich pupils' personal development through a range of carefully planned and well-structured programmes. They help pupils develop a strong sense of their contribution to school life, their place in the world and in knowing what is safe. Staff encourage pupils to accept each other's differences.

Pupils appreciate that people have views and beliefs that may be different to their own. They talk and discuss the importance of valuing different people in an age-appropriate way. Staff enable pupils to understand the importance of personal choices and a strong sense of morality.

They prepare pupils well for British society, including in teaching them about different religions and beliefs.

There is a strong sense of teamwork here. Thriving links exist between the school and its community.

Staff feel highly valued and appreciate the opportunities to develop professionally, including those in their early teaching career. Leaders consider staff's workload and well-being. Those responsible for governance fulfil their statutory duties effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Those responsible for governance oversee the systematic processes for recruiting employees. Staff receive relevant training to ensure that they know how to spot the signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm or danger.

Leaders identify vulnerable pupils and families swiftly. They are rigorous in following up any concerns with external agencies.

The school helps pupils to learn how to keep themselves safe.

This is supported by carefully planned, age-appropriate opportunities for pupils to reflect on key issues and moral values, such as puberty, consent and equality.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, teaching does not implement the curriculum consistently. This limits some pupils' subject-specific understanding.

The school must develop staff's expertise in all subjects, so that they can implement the intended curriculum with precision to deepen pupils' knowledge and skills. ? Outcomes for pupils in Year 6 last year were low in mathematics and writing. The school should continue to build on recent improvements in these subjects, so that outcomes for pupils improve rapidly.

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