St Giles Academy

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About St Giles Academy

Name St Giles Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Vic Warburton
Address Addison Drive, Lincoln, LN2 4LQ
Phone Number 01522785760
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 390
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Giles Academy is an inclusive and caring school. Pupils say that they get help if they are struggling with anything.

Many parents appreciate the support the school provides for their children. Pupils say that bullying happens sometimes. They are confident that staff will deal with any issues.

Pupils feel safe in school. They know who to speak to if they have any concerns. Pupils also know they can use the 'worry box' to report any issues.

They know staff will help them if needed.

Most lessons are calm and orderly. Pupils say that sometimes the behaviour of other pupils interrupts their learning.

A small proportion of pupils display challe...nging behaviour. This concerns some pupils. Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

These expectations are not always communicated well. As a result, some teachers do not challenge off-task behaviour. Inappropriate behaviour at break and lunchtimes is sometimes ignored.

Children in Reception are well cared for. They follow well-established routines and enjoy learning in a nurturing environment.

Many pupils enjoy attending a range of extra-curricular activities.

For example. they attend reading club, rounders and coding club.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Recent changes in leadership has meant that efforts to improve the school have been variable.

The trust has now ensured that there are clear structures in place to improve the school further. This work is at an early stage. Leaders are aware that there is still more to do.

Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is ambitious. Curriculum plans in some subjects are not well sequenced. This means that teachers are not always clear how pupils will build on previous learning and what key knowledge pupils should learn.

In these subjects, pupils do not achieve as well as they could.

Where curriculum plans are well sequenced, for example in mathematics, teachers deliver the curriculum well. They check pupils' understanding and address misconceptions.

This means that pupils build on what they have previously learned and achieve well.

Teachers have secure subject knowledge. Most teachers question pupils well to check what they have learned.

At times, questioning is not precise enough to identify misconceptions. Some activity choices in lessons do not always match the aims of the curriculum. Assessment in some subjects is not in place.

This means that gaps in learning are not identified, and pupils do not achieve as well as they could.

Leaders have prioritised reading. Pupils get phonics lessons every day.

Staff are well trained. Regular assessment of pupils' phonics knowledge identifies any pupils who are falling behind. These pupils get daily interventions.

All pupils benefit from a well- structured reading curriculum. They have guided reading sessions and daily story times. This means that most pupils become confident readers.

Children in the early years follow a well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum. Staff skilfully adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all children. Teachers plan well-thought-out activities that develop children's interests and learning.

Staff ensure that children's understanding of number and phonics is secure. Children are well prepared for their next stage of education.

Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND have their needs identified.

Pupils with SEND get support in lessons. Most teachers adapt their teaching to meet the needs of the pupils. This helps them to access the curriculum and achieve well.

Leaders have worked hard to improve the attendance of all pupils. However, too many pupils are persistently absent from school. This means they miss out on learning.

Leaders are aware that there is more they can do to improve the attendance of pupils. They have not ensured that all staff use the behaviour policy consistently well. Leaders know that the current behaviour policy is not working as intended.

Suspensions are not reducing. Some pupils are unclear about expectations. Teachers do not always address off-task behaviour.

These means that some pupils do not learn as well as they could.

The work to develop pupils' personal development is variable. Pupils have some understanding of British values.

They know to treat others who may be different from them the same as they treat others. Pupils learn about different religions, healthy relationships and how to be respectful to others. Their understanding of different cultures is not as well developed.

Pupils enjoy a range of trips and experiences that enhance the curriculum.

Staff are proud to work at the school. They say that leaders consider their workload and well-being.

Governors and trustees know the school well. They know what still needs to improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that there is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school. They ensure that all adults who work with pupils have had the required checks. Staff are well trained.

They receive regular safeguarding updates and know the risks that pupils may face. Staff know how to report concerns.

Safeguarding records are clear and detailed.

Leaders ensure that pupils and their families get the help they need when required. Governors regularly check the school's safeguarding procedures.

Staff teach pupils how to keep themselves safe.

They learn about road safety and how to stay safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, curriculum plans do not sequence the knowledge and skills that leaders want pupils to know. This means that teachers do not always build on what pupils have learned.

As a result, some pupils do not learn as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that all curriculum plans clearly sequence the knowledge and skills they want pupils to know, and that teachers use this information to help pupils build on previous learning. ? Assessment in some subjects is not in place.

This means that gaps in learning and misconceptions are not always identified, and pupils do not achieve as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that there are clear assessment procedures in place linked to the key knowledge and skills they want pupils to learn. ? The attendance of some of pupils is too low.

Too many pupils are persistently absent from school. Leaders are aware that they need to do more to improve attendance. They should continue their work to improve the attendance of all pupils.

Leaders should also review the systems in place to see if they help all pupils attend well. ? Leaders have not ensured that all staff consistently apply the behaviour policy. They are aware that the current behaviour policy is not working how they want it to.

This means that off-task behaviour often goes unchallenged, and suspensions are not reducing. Leaders should review the school's approach to managing behaviour. They should ensure that all staff apply the behaviour policy consistently well and that all pupils understand it.

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