St Godric’s Catholic Primary School, Durham

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About St Godric’s Catholic Primary School, Durham

Name St Godric’s Catholic Primary School, Durham
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Emma Bridon
Address Carrhouse Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5LZ
Phone Number 01913847452
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 208
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to be part of this school. They feel happy and safe. Leaders make sure that they include the school's Catholic ethos of 'love, respect and value' within all areas of school life.

Older pupils take their responsibilities as buddies for the younger children seriously. Relationships between staff and pupils are extremely positive.

The headteacher has high expectations for all pupils.

She makes sure that teachers provide opportunities for pupils to develop both academically and emotionally. Pupils display first-class learning behaviours. They are engaged in their lessons and contribute confidently to learning discussions.

Adults help pup...ils to recognise and manage their emotions well. Pupils show understanding and support for other pupils who may struggle to manage their own emotions. As a result, behaviour and attitudes are exceptional.

Pupils have a strong understanding of how to keep themselves safe. They recognise the dangers of being online and know when to ask for help if they are worried. Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to learn from a range of visitors, such as the those from the NSPCC and mental health charities.

Pupils' self-confidence and resilience are extremely well developed.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have embedded a well-sequenced mathematics curriculum. This begins from the earliest stages in Reception.

Teachers ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to discuss their mathematical learning. Any pupils who are learning remotely are fully included in these discussions. In subjects such as history and art, teachers provide learning activities that develop pupils' understanding of their local area.

For example, virtual lessons from the University of Durham have enabled pupils to view artefacts from local historical sites. However, leaders have not identified how knowledge in these subjects will progress from Reception through to Year 6. As a result, pupils do not develop a secure subject knowledge that prepares them for future learning.

Teachers use assessment well in reading and mathematics to identify misconceptions or gaps in pupils' understanding. However, teachers do not address these gaps quickly enough. Small-group or individual interventions to support pupils who are at risk of falling behind do not take place on a regular basis.

This means that some pupils do not receive the support they need to catch up quickly.

Leaders ensure that provision for pupils with an education, health and care plan is well developed. Teachers meet these pupils' needs well.

High-quality adult support enables these pupils to take part fully in lessons. Assistance for other pupils who require additional support is not as strong or consistent. This means that learning slows for these pupils.

Leaders have prioritised the teaching of early reading. Teachers plan phonics sessions in a precise sequence. They check how well the pupils are learning.

Children in Reception and pupils in key stage 1 make rapid progress when learning to read. Pupils read books that match their phonic knowledge. However, support for pupils in key stage 2 who still struggle to read is less consistent.

Leaders do not ensure that these pupils benefit from the same precise approach to the teaching of phonics.

Provision for pupils' personal development is exemplary. Leaders have thought carefully about the changing needs of pupils following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leaders provide rich opportunities for pupils to discuss news topics on a local and global scale. Pupils understand that their actions can have an impact on the lives of others. Leaders have ensured that pupils learn how to be active and responsible citizens.

Teachers provide first-rate opportunities for pupils to develop their understanding of fundamental British values. Pupils understand well that there is a range of faiths and cultures that are different from their own. Leaders, with the support of the diocese, have ensured that the policy for relationships education sensitively develops pupils' understanding of different family structures.

All members of staff are proud to be part of this school. Senior leaders value their opinions and prioritise their workload and well-being. Leaders use regular reports, newsletters and social media updates to communicate effectively with parents and carers.

Many parents welcome this support. Governors know the school well. Regular visits help them to understand curriculum developments.

However, they do not use this information efficiently to provide thorough challenge to leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The designated safeguarding lead has ensured that all staff receive regular training.

Staff follow reporting procedures consistently and thoroughly. Online records evidence leaders' diligence in ensuring that all pupils are safe. This includes checking pupils' safety during any period of remote learning.

Leaders work effectively with safeguarding partners. Teachers provide opportunities for pupils to learn how to recognise positive and negative relationships and how to ask for help if they are worried. Safeguarding is a clear priority of all members of this school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers do not consistently act upon assessment information to address gaps or misconceptions in learning. This means that some pupils do not make fast enough progress in reading and mathematics. Leaders should ensure that robust systems are in place to ensure that all pupils receive the support they need to catch up quickly.

The curriculum plans for the foundation subjects (for example, history and art) do not support teachers to build pupils' knowledge sequentially. Pupils do not have the opportunity to build upon core subject knowledge in each year group. Leaders need to identify the key knowledge and skills that pupils must learn from Reception to Year 6, so that they achieve well in all areas of the curriculum.

• Governors do not make effective use of their monitoring visits to hold leaders to account. They have limited impact on the ongoing developments within the quality of education. The local authority and representatives of the multi-academy trust should ensure that governors have the training they need to carry out their roles effectively.

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