St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Craig Ross
Address Woodfield Road, Ealing, London, W5 1SL
Phone Number 02089977550
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 351
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils and their parents and carers described this school as a happy place with a family atmosphere. Leaders strive to make sure that all pupils get a good education.

As a result, pupils gain secure knowledge across a range of subjects.

From the early years onwards, children learn to be respectful, friendly and kind. Pupils develop into confident, articulate and polite young people.

They enjoy nurturing and trusting relationships with adults. They know that staff care for them and will help them if they have any worries or concerns. Should bullying occur, leaders deal with it effectively.

Pupils enjoy taking on responsibilities and contributing to th...e community. For example, the democratically elected pupil council organise a vote to decide which charities the school should support. Pupils are proud to get involved in the fundraising efforts.

Some older pupils read to younger children and others volunteer as librarians.

The many parents who communicated with inspectors were overwhelmingly positive about the school. They feel their children are thriving under the dedicated leadership team and caring staff.

They also greatly appreciate the support that staff gave their children and them during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve well across a broad range of subjects. They have planned, step by step, from early years onwards, the building blocks of knowledge they want pupils to master.

Leaders also make sure that staff have suitable resources to deliver the planned curriculum. Pupils successfully acquire knowledge, skills and understanding in a range of subjects. Leaders know what needs to be done to secure further improvements in the curriculum and, in turn, strengthen pupils' learning.

Leaders make reading a top priority. Staff teach children to read as soon as they come into the early years. In the early years and Years 1 to 3, staff have regular training.

This gives them the expertise to teach reading effectively. Staff check often on pupils' progression in reading. Those falling behind, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from bespoke daily sessions.

This support helps them to catch up quickly. Staff encourage pupils to read at home, and pupils also enjoy listening to their teachers read to them. Early years staff run helpful reading workshops for parents.

They guide them on how to read with their children in a meaningful and supportive way. All of this work means that pupils learn to read with confidence and fluency.

Leaders have also revised the reading programme for Years 3 to 6.

These changes have focused on ensuring pupils understand what they read, including the meaning of new words that they encounter. Leaders have identified that a small number of older pupils need further support with phonics, particularly those who join the school at the early stages of speaking English as an additional language. While these pupils are already well supported, leaders plan to strengthen their approach by delivering additional phonics training for staff in these year groups.

Across the subjects, teachers have received training on how best to impart new knowledge effectively. This supports them to deliver the aims of the curriculum with competence. Staff use assessment well.

They identify gaps in pupils' knowledge and address misconceptions. In a few instances, some teachers do not have fully secure subject knowledge. Typically, this affects one or two curriculum subjects.

In those instances, teachers feel less confident in their ability to deliver the curriculum and ensure pupils gain deep knowledge.Leaders have suitable systems in place to identify, assess and plan bespoke support for pupils with SEND. They make sure that staff are trained on how to make appropriate adaptations to meet those pupils' needs.

This enables those pupils to gain the same knowledge as their peers. However, when a teacher is not fully confident in a particular subject, the effectiveness of support for pupils with SEND is reduced.Children in the early years are attentive and eager to learn.

Pupils try hard and work well in collaboration with their teachers and classmates. These positive behaviours and attitudes help pupils to gain new knowledge.Leaders place much emphasis on teaching pupils about diversity and respect.

This work is underpinned by the school's faith-based values. Pastoral support, including for pupils' mental health, is of high quality. Pupils are taught how to form healthy relationships and about consent, for instance.

Pupils enjoy taking part in the extensive opportunities for playing a range of sports. Participation rates are high. This provision forms a successful part of leaders' work to promote pupils' physical health as well as the development of social skills and teamwork.

Governors are passionate and check often on all aspects of the school's work. They provide leaders with appropriate challenge and support to improve the school. Leaders are approachable, considerate, and supportive of staff well-being.

They consult with staff and look for ways to reduce workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding leaders and all staff are well trained in how to identify pupils that might be at risk of harm.

Staff are vigilant. There are well-established processes for reporting and recording any concerns. Leaders recruit staff safely.

Leaders secure appropriate help and work with external agencies to support pupils' safety and welfare. Pupils are also given access to internal support. This includes sessions with a counsellor and working with a therapy dog, for example.

Through the formal curriculum and workshops, pupils are taught about risks. They learn how to stay safe and how to seek help. This includes, for example, learning about online safety and sexual harassment.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of foundation subjects, some teachers do not have a deep understanding of important subject-specific knowledge. This means that they do not have the expertise and confidence to ensure pupils deepen their knowledge. Leaders should ensure that teachers sharpen and increase their subject-specific knowledge and then think through how, in turn, they will support pupils to gain a deep knowledge across the curriculum.

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