St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Helen’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Claire Doherty
Address Chargeable Lane, London, E13 8DW
Phone Number 02074761785
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 490
Local Authority Newham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school is alive with learning opportunities.

Pupils are excited by the wealth of experiences they have here. Leaders have high expectations of every pupil. Teachers recognise the efforts pupils make to go above and beyond what is expected of them.

The well-planned curriculum ensures that pupils excel. Leaders have created an exceptional learning environment with rich opportunities for all pupils.

Pupils are taught how to be good citizens of the school and local community.

Leaders organise a large range of opportunities for pupils to take on responsibilities and to support their peers. For instance, pupils in Years 5 and 6 take their roles to be 'buddies' for pupils in Reception and Year 1 during lunchtimes. 'Bully Busters' proactively support pupils in the school and promote positive relationships.

Bullying is not tolerated in the school, and staff deal with any incidents very quickly.

Behaviour is very positive throughout all areas of the school. Pupils enjoy warm and respectful working relationships with adults.

Pupils are safe and know that adults will support them if they have any concerns.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders ensure that the curriculum is highly developed and ambitious in all subjects. They identify clearly defined end points for pupils to achieve.

Leaders' curriculum thinking in every subject starts coherently in the early years. The curriculum is sequenced to ensure that children build key knowledge and skills so they are ready for the next stages of their learning. In the early years, teachers respond effectively to children's interests.

Throughout the school, teachers use well-chosen resources so that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), access the same learning as their peers. Leaders identify the needs of pupils with SEND and ensure that they receive effective support, including from external specialists.

Teachers demonstrate high levels of subject knowledge.

They explain concepts carefully so that pupils understand new content successfully. Teachers address pupils' misconceptions and provide timely support. They check pupils' understanding with precision before moving on to new tasks.

Teachers provide many opportunities for pupils to collaborate and work closely with their peers. In the early years, the development of children's language underpins all areas of learning. Teachers ensure that a language-rich environment helps children to develop deep knowledge and vocabulary.

Leaders place high priority on pupils developing a love of reading. Pupils learn to read through a consistently taught phonics programme. Leaders ensure that pupils who need extra support have precisely targeted catch-up sessions.

In the early years, well-chosen texts help broaden children's curiosity and understanding of characters. For example, children used their knowledge of stories to write letters to characters such as the Jolly Postman.

Adults develop pupils' mathematical vocabulary and understanding very well.

For example, children used specific vocabulary when comparing the size of different objects using 'longer' and 'taller' accurately. Teachers support pupils to build on strong mathematical skills from the early years when they move up into the rest of the school. For example, pupils in Year 3 to 6 regularly tackle complex calculations.

Leaders provide a wide range of enrichment opportunities to enhance pupils' experiences. For instance, pupils in Year 4 visited France to meet with their pen pals. Pupils perform music in a variety of venues, including singing at the Festival of Voices.

Leaders organise many well-considered outings for children in the early years. Children visited the local post office to develop a deeper understanding of the local community.

Pupils are taught about positive relationships, both within the school and beyond.

For example, in the early years, children learn about consent by understanding personal space. In Year 3, pupils are taught about how to respond to unwanted touch. Pupils have many opportunities to help others, including running an event for older people from the local area.

Leaders ensure that pupils experience a range of responsibilities. The school council makes tangible improvements to the school. For example, they have introduced celebrations for International Children's Day and led campaigns to make the school better.

Leaders ensure that all pupils access the wider curriculum opportunities.

Leaders have created a happy and inclusive environment for staff and pupils. Leaders support staff to fulfil their responsibilities.

They support staff to make sure that workload is manageable. Leaders take the building of working relationships with parents and carers seriously.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that robust systems are in place to protect and support pupils effectively. All staff and governors receive regular training, so they have detailed knowledge of how to keep children safe. Leaders waste no time in getting the help pupils need, including from other agencies.

Leaders meet regularly to review carefully the support in place for pupils. Teachers ensure that pupils are taught about keeping safe, including online. Leaders work closely with families to support them with how to keep their children safe, including online through the use of filters.

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