St Helena School

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About St Helena School

Name St Helena School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Fiona Pierson
Address Sheepen Road, Colchester, CO3 3LE
Phone Number 01206572253
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 995
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Helena School is a place where everyone wants the very best for pupils.

The school's values of aspire, believe and achieve sit behind the decisions the school makes for everyone to succeed. Pupils value the warm and positive relationships they develop with their teachers. This helps them feel safe.

Pupils know there is always someone they can speak to if they have concerns.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and the attitudes they show towards their learning. This creates a calm and purposeful atmosphere across the school.

Pupils recognise that behaviour has improved a great deal over recent years. Pupils say that bullying can happe...n. However, the school takes this seriously and acts quickly to resolve any issues.

This is a school where everyone is welcome. Pupils treat visitors with warmth and curiosity. Pupils of all backgrounds are accepted into the school community.

Pupils here are kind and respectful.

The school has a very wide offer of different activites and opportunities for pupils to develop their interests. This includes a range of clubs such as chess club, art club and a comprehensive sporting programme.

The school's popular robotics club has competed successfully at national and international events.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a well-constructed, ambitious and varied curriculum. Recent changes have ensured that more pupils study subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate.

Reading sits at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils are expected to read regularly across subjects. The school has a robust approach to identifying and supporting pupils who struggle to read.

This helps them to learn to read well.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They use this knowledge to teach the curriculum effectively.

The school has ensured that teachers are well trained. Teachers usually select the most appropriate teaching strategies and activities. Pupils develop rich and detailed knowledge through these choices.

However, occasionally, teachers do not always check that pupils have the knowledge they need to understand new subject content or to practise skills effectively. This means that pupils sometimes do not learn the curriculum as well as they could.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get the help they need to learn the curriculum alongside their peers.

The school has developed effective processes for identifying and supporting pupils with SEND. Teachers receive the information they need to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. This helps pupils with SEND to achieve well.

The school's personal development programme is well planned. Pupils learn about being healthy, active and informed citizens through daily 'opening minds' lessons. This is complemented by a focus in all subjects on moral and cultural knowledge.

Careers education is comprehensive. Pupils receive comprehensive careers information through the curriculum and a range of events and other activities. This gives them the information they need to consider their next steps.

The school has clear expectations for pupils' behaviour in lessons and around the school. Staff implement the school's approaches to behaviour consistently. As a result, pupils' behaviour is positive and focused on learning.

The school is acting sooner to respond to poor behaviour and to help pupils make the right choices. This is further improving behaviour.

The school works closely with pupils and their families to identify and overcome barriers to attending school.

It has developed clear and robust processes to support this work. As a result, attendance has improved over recent years. Pupils attend regularly, and far fewer are persistently absent.

Leaders have expertly identified and improved areas of the school that have been weaker in the past. This has led to significant improvements in the quality of education provided and in pupils' behaviour and attendance. Staff are very positive about the support and help they receive from leaders.

The school ensures that all staff receive high-quality training and development opportunities. The trust and those involved in governance provide highly effective challenge and support to the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, teachers do not always check that pupils have the knowledge needed to understand new learning or to complete activities. This means that pupils can miss out on learning important knowledge or unsuccessfully practise the skills that teachers had intended. The school should ensure that all teachers check that pupils have the prior knowledge needed for new learning or to complete activities.

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