St John Vianney RC Primary School

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About St John Vianney RC Primary School

Name St John Vianney RC Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Stephen McNicholas
Address Stanley Road, Tottenham, London, N15 3HD
Phone Number 02088898421
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 223
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils receive an exceptional education at this school. This begins in the early years where strong foundations are built. The school provides an exciting and rich curriculum.

Pupils thrive because the school has high academic ambitions for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school creates a love of learning at all ages.

The school is driven by its mission statement which likens life to an adventure.

Pupils explore the world around them with curiosity and great enjoyment. The school provides a wide range of enrichment opportunities to ensure pupils gain valuable life experiences. Pupils take part in trip...s, singing assemblies and clubs.

This is in addition to listening to visitors and authors, and taking part in competitions.

Respect is a core value at the school, and pupils support each other as buddies and mentors. Pupils also take an active role in the school council and other leadership roles.

The school fosters a keen sense of community, working closely with families.

Behaviour is exemplary and pupils are highly motivated to learn. This begins in early years where children follow instructions quickly and show great care for each other.

Older pupils listen to their peers attentively and are enthusiastic about their learning. They are polite, courteous and confident. Pupils are happy and safe at this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils follow a strikingly ambitious and rich curriculum. The school has identified the knowledge that pupils will learn precisely, across all year groups. This is planned coherently, so that pupils repeat and practise key concepts and have strong understanding.

Teachers use activities that are designed to deepen and consolidate what pupils have learned. Pupils, including those with SEND, develop a secure body of knowledge and skills in different subjects.

Teachers think carefully about what is learnt and when.

In the early years the curriculum is built around celebrations to encourage children to share experiences and understand the world around them. They learn in a language rich environment. For example, when exploring the garden, children are encouraged to look 'above,' 'on top,' 'below' and 'through' to find numbered dragons as part of the Chinese New Year.

Teachers also provide a strong foundation in mathematics by exploring the composition of numbers with a range of interactive activities. Older pupils quickly master challenging mathematical concepts. One comment from a pupil, typical of many, was 'I love maths; I love thinking about these equations.'

Similarly, pupils demonstrate sophisticated writing and a strong command of language.

Teachers have strong subject expertise and pupils excel as a result of high-quality teaching. Pupils with SEND are quickly identified and are almost always fully included in ambitious learning within the classroom.

The school encourages pupils to think critically and draw connections. For example, in the history curriculum pupils in Year 6 compare the ancient kingdoms of Benin and Ethiopia.

The school has made reading an absolute priority and a love of reading is evident.

The phonics programme is set out and sequenced in a logical way to build knowledge gradually and securely. Pupils take home books which match the sounds practised in class and their progress is carefully monitored. As a result, pupils gain fluency quickly.

A love of stories is introduced in the early years, while older pupils read a diverse and ambitious selection of novels to enable thoughtful discussion.

Provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional. A wide variety of enrichment activities is available.

The school plans numerous trips including to museums, galleries, the Houses of Parliament and theatres. Visitors routinely deliver talks and pupils take part in competitions, swimming lessons and a range of clubs. The school is a strong community and pupils also take an active role supporting each other as playground buddies, mentors and school council representatives.

Pupils are confident to take the initiative and support others. For example, pupils wrote a proposal for Autism Awareness week, which they then planned and delivered with leaders' help. Pupils learn about how to stay healthy and how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

Children learn and play cooperatively in the early years. They move from one activity to the other seamlessly and develop strong social and emotional skills. Older pupils demonstrate kindness and respect.

They are highly motivated to learn in class. The school works closely with parents and carers to ensure pupils have high attendance and are nurtured throughout their time at school. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and consider it a 'home from home.'

Leaders ensure that all pupils are known, nurtured and flourish. The school provides an excellent quality of education and care for the community it serves. Staff feel valued and are proud to work at the school.

They are provided with high quality professional development. Leaders and governors are dedicated to continual improvement which drives a culture of ambition.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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