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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is a happy and friendly community where pupils feel safe.
The school sets clear routines and expectations for all pupils. Staff consistently follow the school's approach: 'be ready, be safe, be respectful'. Pupils know the school rules and know the consequences of not following the high expectations set.
Pupils live up to the school's expectations and behave well.
Pupils are respectful of the school's culture. The school's value of 'eloquent and truthful' helps pupils to think about how their words are perceived by others.
On rare occasions when behaviour is not as expected, restorative conversations help pupils to... consider the impact of their actions or words on others. House points motivate pupils to try their best.
The school works hard to ensure that pupils attend well.
Recent work is further improving attendance rates so that more pupils now attend school regularly.
Pupils achieve well, particularly in reading. During lessons, pupils are attentive and focus on their learning well.
They are eager to complete the highly engaging work set. If pupils get stuck, staff have strategies to help pupils resolve any difficulties they may have, for instance by using the working wall or looking back at previous learning.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school offers an ambitious curriculum to all pupils.
In most subjects, the curriculum builds in a logical order so that pupils gain the knowledge and skills they need for future success. However, this is not the case in a few subjects.
Staff are highly skilled.
Teachers engage pupils well in lessons. They make regular checks on how effectively pupils are learning the curriculum. Any gaps in learning are identified and addressed.
Pupils' written work is of a high quality. Children in the early years get off to a great start. They learn important skills of turn-taking, sharing and working together.
Moreover, they have opportunities to develop early writing, number and reading skills. This prepares children well for the next stage of their learning.
The school promotes reading well.
Various activities such as book clubs, world book day, reading to the school dog and visits to the school library help pupils to develop a love of reading. Staff teach early reading effectively. They ensure that pupils practise reading books that match the sounds they are learning.
Any pupil who falls behind is swiftly identified and given the support they need to catch up quickly. However, at times, pupils' misconceptions are not picked up and addressed quickly enough in lessons.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well in school.
Any pupil with additional needs is quickly identified and receives the help and support needed to be successful in school. There is a strong collaboration with external agencies to ensure that specialist professional support is available for those pupils who require it. Parents are extremely positive about the support their children receive.
There are a range of clubs to help pupils to develop new talents and interests. These include sports clubs, mindfulness, drama, construction, coding and film club. In addition to these clubs, events such as the history workshops, and visits to the farm and local historic buildings, help to deepen pupils' understanding of various topics.
Pupils learn about how to keep safe when out and about and online. They know about the importance of healthy and safe relationships and learn the qualities of a good friend. Pupils know how to seek help if they feel unsafe.
The school pays serious attention to pupils' personal development. Pupils learn to be active citizens by fundraising for local charities or collecting food for the local foodbank. Through taking on various responsibilities within the school, such as being 'playground pals', lunchtime monitors, or assisting with assemblies, pupils develop important leadership and teamwork skills.
Pupils know that they have the right to be heard. They voice their opinions and views through the work of the school council. By linking with a Tanzanian school, pupils learn about what life is like in Tanzania.
During multi-faith week, pupils enjoy finding out about festivals such as Chinese New Year, Eid and Sukkot and what they mean to different cultures. Pupils learn about their own and other faiths. All of this prepares pupils well for life in modern Britain.
Leaders, including governors, are ambitious for all pupils. They set the right priorities for the school. Governors hold the headteacher to account effectively for the performance of the school.
Staff are highly positive about the support from leaders to manage their workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, the progression of knowledge and skills is not as clear as it could be.
This means that teaching does not always build on prior knowledge. As a result, pupils do not consistently build on prior learning in order to deepen their knowledge in these subjects. The school should make sure that the progression of knowledge and skills is clear so that learning builds up over time.
• At times, adults do not identify and address quickly enough pupils' misconceptions when learning to read. When this happens, pupils do not make the progress they should. The school should make sure misconceptions are addressed quickly so that pupils achieve well.