St Joseph’s College

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About St Joseph’s College

Name St Joseph’s College
Ofsted Inspections
Head Master Co Headteacher Catherine Kane / George Mantillas
Address Beulah Hill, London, SE19 3HL
Phone Number 02087611426
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 947
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Joseph's College serves a richly diverse community.

Pupils understand the differences between themselves and people from other backgrounds. They learn to treat everyone equally. They get on with one another.

There is a strong sense of inclusion. The school's 'five fundamental respects' for self, others, learning, community and faith reinforce this.

Pupils feel well cared for.

They know who they can talk to if they have any problems or concerns. They told us bullying is uncommon. They are confident that staff deal with it when it happens.

This makes them feel safe.

Leaders expect pupils to do well in their studies. They also place... a lot of importance on pupils' personal development.

All pupils take part in regular life-skills sessions, which support them in preparation for adulthood.

A new behaviour policy is being introduced. Some parents and carers think that sanctions are applied too quickly and that they can be too harsh.

Pupils say that things are a lot stricter than they used to be. However, they recognise that they now get to lessons quickly, and do not waste as much learning time. Staff have noticed these changes too.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have identified what pupils need to know and be able to remember over time. In all subjects, the curriculum has been planned and organised to enable this to happen. In science, for example, pupils learn about human reproduction in Year 7.

They build on this knowledge when they study genetics and inheritance in Year 8.

Pupils in Years 7 and 8 study a full range of curriculum subjects. Currently, Year 9 pupils study a core programme of English, mathematics, science, religious studies and games.

They have chosen three more subjects from the selection of academic and vocational courses on offer. The current arrangement narrows pupils' learning experiences. Leaders, governors and trustees have agreed changes to the curriculum.

From September 2020, all pupils throughout Years 7 to 9 will study a full range of curriculum subjects.

Teachers provide regular opportunities for pupils to recap and review prior knowledge. This allows swift identification of misconceptions.

It also secures the understanding that underpins more demanding work in the future. However, some teachers do not pick up gaps in pupils' learning quickly enough. In such cases, pupils struggle to build on their learning.

Leaders identify pupils in Year 7 who have difficulty with literacy and numeracy. These pupils get intensive support to help them catch up. They study English, mathematics, geography and history with a specially trained teacher.

Their programme includes the same topics as their peers. Most of them make rapid progress. They develop skills that allow them to successfully access other subjects.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well catered for. Leaders ensure that pupils' social and emotional needs are met. Teachers use the information they receive on these pupils to plan for their needs.

A new behaviour policy is being implemented. At first there was a significant increase in the number of serious sanctions applied. School records show that this has now stabilised.

Staff and pupils recognise the positive impact it has had. There is more focus on learning. Pupils make sure they arrive on time for school and for lessons.

They behave well as they move around the school buildings and when they are outside. Disruptions to learning are rare. When incidents do occur, they are dealt with quickly and consistently by staff.

Systems for celebrating pupils' successes are not as well embedded. Pupils would like their achievements to be recognised more routinely by staff. Leaders have plans for this, as the next phase of their behaviour policy.

The sixth form has improved since the previous inspection. There is a broad range of courses to choose from. Teachers challenge students so they get the best out of them.

Students develop wider skills through mentoring younger pupils, volunteering and taking on leadership responsibilities. They receive careers advice and guidance, which allows them to make informed decisions about their next steps. Most students go on to university, higher-level training or apprenticeships.

There is a strong commitment to developing pupils for life in the future. Pupils follow a varied programme and learn how to become well-rounded people. They explore challenging topics in a safe and supportive environment.

For example, Year 8 pupils discussed stigmas around mental health. They told us that they enjoy these lessons because they make them 'think about how to be a better person'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff receive regular updates to their training. They are confident about spotting the signs that may suggest a pupil needs help. Staff also know how to report concerns, and who they should be referred to.

Members of the safeguarding team are trained so they can respond to a wide range of potential risks. They work with relevant external agencies to make sure that pupils quickly get the support they need. Pupils follow a comprehensive programme to help keep themselves safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The current Year 9 pupils' study programme is not broad or ambitious enough. Leaders have reviewed the curriculum offer. Firm plans are in place to ensure that all pupils in Years 7 to 9 will study the full range of curriculum subjects from September 2020.

Leaders and governors should ensure that these curriculum plans are fully implemented. . Leaders have provided teachers with training to help them spot misconceptions and gaps in pupils' knowledge.

This training has not been used routinely by some teachers and, in these classes, pupils fall behind. Leaders should regularly review the effectiveness of training to ensure that it impacts fully on teaching practice and pupils' learning throughout the school. .

The first phase of the new behaviour policy has been successfully introduced. Leaders should ensure that the next phase, which focuses on celebrating pupils' successes, is embedded with equal determination. This is to help pupils feel recognised for their achievements and increase their motivation to do even better.

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