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This is a good school Leaders, staff and governors are successful in supporting pupils to 'live to love and love to learn'. The school is an inclusive, nurturing community in which pupils feel safe and are well cared for. Staff are well trained and vigilant in their safeguarding of pupils.
Since her appointment, the headteacher has identified the right actions to improve pupils' achievement. Leaders and governors are highly skilled in taking effective action to address areas for improvement. As a result, children in the Nursery and pupils in key stage 1 make good progress.
The curriculum promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development very w...ell. Teachers provide pupils with interesting activities and tasks in a range of subjects. Leaders have been successful in improving the teaching of phonics, reading and mathematics.
Parental involvement in their children's reading has improved greatly as a result of leaders' actions. Most parents and carers are happy with the school's work and typically comment that 'this is a great school.' The early years provision requires improvement.
Staff are committed to improving their skills, and provision has improved because of well-targeted professional development secured by leaders. However, the quality of teaching in the Reception Year is variable, and this is reflected in the inconsistent, and sometimes weak, progress that children make. They are not prepared well for the demands of the Year 1 curriculum.
Despite the efforts of staff and leaders, attendance remains below the national average. Pupils behave well in lessons and play happily together at breaktimes. Rare bullying incidents or poor behaviour are dealt with effectively.
Pupils are polite, friendly and helpful and keen to chat about themselves and their school. They are routinely kind to each other and to visitors. While outcomes are strong, they could be better.
Teachers sometimes do not plan work which precisely meets the needs of pupils with different abilities, particularly the most able pupils or those who are struggling with learning.
Information about this school
The school is a smaller than average-sized infants school. It is federated with St Joseph's Roman Catholic Junior School and is a collaborative partner of the Croydon Catholic Schools Umbrella Trust.
The substantive headteacher was appointed in September 2018. The proportion of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding is above the national average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above average.
The largest ethnic groups are those of White British or African heritage, and a larger proportion of pupils than average speak English as an additional language. The early years provision consists of a part-time Nursery class, attended currently by 19 children. There are two full-time Reception classes.