St Jude’s Church of England Primary School

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About St Jude’s Church of England Primary School

Name St Jude’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Matt Jones
Address Colnbrook Street, London, SE1 6HA
Phone Number 02079285484
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 69
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are safe and happy at St Jude's. They enjoy coming to school.

Leaders have created a culture where pupils can talk to adults if they have concerns or worries. Leaders make sure that everyone is made to feel welcome. Staff know their pupils and families well.

They expertly tailor support to meet their needs.

Leaders, staff and governors have high expectations for all pupils. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and pupils at the very early stages of learning English.

They are determined that every pupil, regardless of their starting point, will access a broad and balanced curriculum.

Pupils' att...itudes to learning are very positive and they behave well. They enjoy playtime and have many friends.

In lessons, pupils work well with their peers to support their learning. There is very little bullying. When it does occur, it is resolved quickly by staff.

Leaders promote pupils' personal development exceptionally well. They offer pupils a range of opportunities to develop their talents and interests. Extra-curricular art activities are extremely popular, for example.

Young musicians have opportunities to play at well-known cultural venues.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders ensure that all pupils study a broad and ambitious curriculum. Subject plans outline how skills and knowledge build in every subject from early years through to Year 6.

Leaders know that some pupils join the school community at different points throughout the school year. If pupils need help to catch up, then leaders support them through the curriculum. For example, in mathematics, teachers plan 'catch up, keep up' lessons.

This means that pupils have a chance to revisit key knowledge. This helps all pupils to achieve well.

Teachers present subject matter clearly.

They encourage pupils to talk about what they are learning. For example, in art, pupils discussed the techniques they were using. Pupils understand their current learning.

For instance, in history, pupils explained the significance of the Windrush generation. However, sometimes teachers do not routinely check what pupils have learned and remembered over time. This means that pupils can struggle to recall key information.

Leaders prioritise reading. Children in early years have daily phonics lessons. They take reading books home that match the sounds they know.

Teachers are quick to identify and help those who need extra practice in phonics. They promote a love of reading. For example, teachers used gestures to represent different animals in books.

Children enjoy story time and are keen to join in.

Teachers encourage pupils to use new words in lessons. This helps pupils to build on new knowledge and their vocabulary.

For example, children in Reception knew the meaning of words such as 'collaborate' and 'persevere'. However, pupils sometimes struggle to discuss their ideas in specific subjects. They lack the vocabulary to explain key concepts.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and manage it consistently well. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. There is rarely any low-level disruption.

Leaders make sure that pupils with SEND access the full curriculum. Teachers support pupils with SEND in lessons so that their needs are met. Leaders help pupils who are at the early stages of learning English as an additional language.

They plan activities to develop pupils' language skills.

Leaders teach pupils about diversity through the curriculum. In personal, social and health education, leaders teach pupils, in an age-appropriate way, about relevant issues, such as understanding gender and consent, and celebrating differences.

Leaders encourage pupils to discuss big issues such as discrimination. Through these activities, leaders hope for pupils to understand the changing world around them. Leaders put supportive measures in place so that pupils feel accepted and heard.

Leaders work with staff to help them to manage their workload effectively. Staff appreciate the individual and additional support they receive for their well-being. They know that leaders care.

Leaders offer time for teachers to engage in purposeful external research on the curriculum. They intend for this to support curriculum developments. Teachers are proud to be part of the school community.

Parents and carers are appreciative of the numerous opportunities created to engage with leaders at the school. Governors fully understand the school's priorities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff understand the role they play in keeping pupils safe. Staff receive regular training. They are alert to any signs of concern, however minor.

Staff know how to report safeguarding concerns. Leaders work effectively with external agencies to support vulnerable families.

Leaders ensure that, through the curriculum, pupils learn how to stay safe.

For example, pupils understand the risks involved in misusing prescription drugs. Leaders teach pupils to stay safe online and what constitutes sexual harassment. They have created a culture of safeguarding where pupils can speak to an adult if they have any concerns or worries.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• While pupils are confident to recall current learning, they sometimes struggle to recall past learning. This means that pupils cannot always make connections between their learning over time. Leaders should continue to support teachers to build in assessment that helps pupils revisit past learning.

• Pupils sometimes struggle to verbalise ideas academically. This can prevent them from grappling with key concepts in the depth they need to. Leaders should continue their work on building vocabulary development across all subjects.

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