St Laurence In Thanet Church of England Junior Academy
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About St Laurence In Thanet Church of England Junior Academy
St Laurence In Thanet Church of England Junior Academy
Most pupils are positive and proud of their school. They aspire to live up to its Christian values. They know what is expected of them and generally behave responsibly.
When they struggle to live up to the high expectations of staff, they are supported well and given positive strategies to cope when they find things difficult. Pupils think that behaviour has improved recently. Pupils say that new systems to help them reflect on poor decision-making are working.
One told the lead inspector, 'There are always consequences for your actions'. Others readily agreed.
Pupils who talked to inspectors reported that they feel safe here.
They also said friendsh...ips are strong. Pupils are supportive of others. They have a clear and respectful understanding of the barriers some of their peers face, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
The school is on a journey to reverse the previously weak published outcomes and current pupils' achievements are stronger. They show increasingly positive attitudes to learning because staff expect lots. Pupils also enjoy the additional responsibilities they can take on, including as members of the school council or as worship shepherds.
They value greatly the opportunities they get to come together as a community to sing, enjoying the sense of 'togetherness' and 'unity' that these bring.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
This is a good school on a rapidly improving trajectory. Much has been achieved in a relatively short period of time as a new leadership team has become established over the last two years.
The legacy of Covid-19 and of previous inconsistency in implementing the school's curriculum is diminishing. The contribution of the multi-academy trust and those in positions of governance has been significant in supporting leaders at all levels to improve the school.
Work to improve outcomes for pupils has a high priority.
Large-scale changes in the way mathematics is taught and how pupils who struggle to read are supported are proving effective. The significance of this work is clear to see during visits to classrooms. It is impacting positively on the wider curriculum.
It is also helping to build the confidence and resilience of pupils, the large majority of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Despite the improving picture, more still needs to be done to ensure that this work translates positively into pupils' achievements.
The school's curriculum has appropriate breadth.
Leaders know that the school's headline results in national tests and assessments need to be better. However, they have held their nerve to ensure that pupils continue to experience a full range of curriculum subjects. Pupils enjoy their physical education (PE) sessions and the opportunities the school provides to compete against other schools in team sports.
Computing is popular. Pupils talk excitedly about their work incorporating a range of technology. One inspector's visit to a classroom was marked by an animated discussion about whether or not fish have ears.
This was a serious yet perplexing question, linked to the use of branching databases.
The school's provision to support the personal development of pupils is strong. This does not happen by happy coincidence.
Much of this work is based on the reality of pupils' everyday lives and mitigates the challenges they face outside of school.
The school has a clear overview of how and when pupils will learn about other faiths and cultures. A strong Christian ethos underpins all aspects of the school, which is outward looking in its work to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.
Year 6 visited a local synagogue during the inspection. Age-appropriate relationships and sex education is delivered sensitively and carefully personalised when needed.
Pupils with SEND are supported well in classrooms.
One highlight of the inspection was the quality and sheer volume of the work of teaching assistants and the pastoral team to support disadvantaged pupils. Another was the detailed and deliberate approach to assessing need and providing support for pupils' mental health, which often impacts negatively on their attendance. Staff are not afraid to change course when their strategies are not working around attendance.
As a result, there are a number of success stories to celebrate as persistent and severe absence reduces over time.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Pupils' outcomes in national test and assessment results at the end of Year 6 have not been strong enough in the recent past.
This has meant that pupils were not as well prepared academically as they might be when moving on to secondary education. This was especially the case with mathematics and reading. Current pupils are making stronger progress than has been the case in the past.
However, the school now needs to consolidate its work to improve the quality of education further, as well as continuing to raise expectations of what pupils can achieve. This will mean that pupils will make better progress through the curriculum and will be better prepared for their next steps in education. ? Some pupils do not attend school as often as they should.
Levels of persistent absence, though falling, are too high. This means that some pupils are not achieving as well as they might. The school should redouble its efforts to reduce absence, so that pupils' attendance improves and they benefit more fully from the improving quality of education the school provides.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.