St Martin’s School Brentwood

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About St Martin’s School Brentwood

Name St Martin’s School Brentwood
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jamie Foster
Address Hanging Hill Lane, Hutton, Brentwood, CM13 2HG
Phone Number 01277238300
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1776
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders, including governors and trustees, have not ensured that the outstanding quality of education identified at the previous inspection has been maintained. Leaders have faced considerable difficulties in recruiting teachers in a small number of subjects, including science.

Leaders have sustained the high quality of education in subjects such as English, mathematics and the creative arts. Subject leaders play their part in maintaining excellence where it exists or bringing about improvements where it does not. They have designed a rich and varied curriculum that serves pupils well.

Pupils make good or better progress in many subjects all year groups. They make very strong progress in some areas, such as English, the creative arts and mathematics. In other subjects, their progress is typically good.

Pupils' attainment is often high. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment over time is good in many subjects. In some subjects, such as English and the creative arts, it is often outstanding.

In a few key stage 3 classes in science and in some humanities subjects, the quality of teaching over time is not as strong as it is elsewhere. The sixth form is exceptionally well led and provides an outstanding quality of education. Students' personal development is thoughtfully provided for and they make excellent progress by the end of key stage 5.

Pupils, including those in need of additional support, are very well cared for. Pastoral leaders are very effective in their work. Pupils behave well.

They are polite, courteous and supportive of each other in lessons. Pupils of all ages mix easily when moving around the school site. Disadvantaged pupils are making securely improving progress because of the increasingly effective support they receive.

A small number do not attend school as often as they should. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well cared for. However, leaders do not ensure that teachers in some classes meet these pupils' academic needs consistently.

The governing body and trustees have a secure understanding of the quality of education provided. They use this information to challenge and support leaders well. Governors and trustees recognise the need to focus even more clearly on the progress pupils make across the curriculum in all year groups.

Information about this school

St Martin's School is part of the Brentwood Academies Trust. The school has a local governing body, made up of 12 governors, with delegated powers of responsibility. The board of trustees oversees the direction of the school and the work of the local governing body.

The school is considerably larger than the typical secondary school. Most pupils are of White British backgrounds. The proportion of pupils with SEND is below the national average.

The percentage of pupils who have education, health and care plans is in line with that found nationally. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils attending the school is below the national average. A very small number of pupils are educated in alternative provision through Tute Virtual School and the Children's Support Service Short Stay School.

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