St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Horsforth

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About St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Horsforth

Name St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Horsforth
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Sarah Hurley
Address Broadgate Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5AB
Phone Number 01132584593
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 209
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and safe in this caring and welcoming school. The school has a commitment to give pupils the very best experiences.

There are high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils achieve very well. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school's support for pupils with SEND is exceptional.

Teachers have exceptionally high expectations of pupils. Pupils strive to meet these expectations.

They attend school regularly. Pupils say learning is exciting and fun. Their conduct is exemplary at all times.

Pupils know they can trust adults to help them if they have a concern. Older pupils play with younger children during social times, acting as good role models. Positive relationships are a strength of the school.

Pupils ensure that everyone feels they belong to the school community.

The range of experiences on offer to develop pupils' character is exemplary. The school council and 'Mini-Vinnies', who lead on charitable activities, take their responsibilities seriously.

These roles are highly prized by pupils. They do their very best to help others to be well-rounded, responsible citizens. This prepares pupils well for life beyond school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed a rich and ambitious curriculum. Clear teaching ensures that pupils learn the intended curriculum. A focus on developing knowledge and vocabulary is clearly set out.

It builds logically over time. All staff access ongoing training. As a result, teachers have expert subject knowledge.

Teachers use high-quality assessments to check that pupils remember the curriculum so they can use it in new learning. Teachers model learning carefully to ensure that pupils know exactly what they need to do. Leaders have supported other schools in the trust to develop their curriculum and share best practice.

The school has made reading a priority. The focus on early reading and language begins from Reception and continues throughout the school. Teachers are experts in teaching pupils to read.

Children in early years confidently apply their phonics knowledge. Pupils who need it receive extra help when they struggle with reading. Pupils know that reading is important.

They are enthusiastic about the regular opportunities they have to read for pleasure. Visits by authors encourage pupils to read widely.

Leaders are proactive in identifying pupils with SEND.

They ensure that pupils receive exceptional support. Teachers have been well trained in the varied needs of pupils. Regular liaison with parents and external agencies ensures that pupils get the right help.

This means pupils with SEND make strong progress.

In the early years, children learn in a stimulating environment. The development of language and communication underpins the curriculum.

It is ambitious for all. Interactions between adults and children are exceptional. Children talk with confidence about what they are doing.

For example, explaining how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly and how brushing teeth after eating sugary foods prevents cavities. Adults skilfully teach children how to manage their feelings. Children develop self-control and resilience without adults needing to intervene.

This means that children in early years are well prepared for their next stage.

The school is calm and orderly. Clear routines are well established.

Pupils are courteous and respectful. Their attitudes to learning are impressive. They are confident learners who stay focused.

Pupils know and understand the value of education.

The wider curriculum is exceptional. It supports pupils to develop their character, interests and talents.

Pupils are extremely knowledgeable about fundamental British values. They talk in great depth about how these impact on life in school and society. Pupils are considerate of the views and beliefs of different groups of people.

They are extremely tolerant and celebrate differences. The school arranges for pupils to visit different places of worship. This helps pupils develop a strong understanding of different faiths.

The school offers clubs and activities in sports, performing arts and crafts. This encourages some pupils to pursue these interests outside school. Pupils enjoy taking part in activities, such as the choir.

The choir sings in the community and with other schools.

The board of trustees and governors ensure that leaders are accountable for providing high-quality education for all pupils. Trustees and governors carefully monitor the developments in the school.

They provide exceptional support and challenge. Staff report that their workload is manageable and that they are proud to work as a strong team.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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