St Mary’s Catholic High School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy

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About St Mary’s Catholic High School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy

Name St Mary’s Catholic High School, A Catholic Voluntary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Maria Dengate
Address Newbold Road, Upper Newbold, Chesterfield, S41 8AG
Phone Number 01246201191
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1347
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

One parent captured the sentiments of the overwhelming majority of parents and carers who expressed an opinion when they said: 'I feel lucky that I get to send my children here.'

Pupils' conduct and attitudes towards one another, with adults and visitors are exceptional. They are welcoming and courteous while also industrious. Warm and trusting relationships are underpinned by a strong and inclusive ethos of care alongside high expectations at this popular school.

Pupils thrive at school both academically and socially, including in the sixth form. Classrooms are busy and purposeful learning spaces. Pupils receive consistently high-quality teaching that stimulates interest and engagement in all subjects.

They know that staff care about their success. The quality of pupils' classwork is of sustained high quality in all year groups. As a result, pupils attend and achieve remarkably well in all subjects by the end of key stages 4 and 5.

A unique aspect of the school's provision is a first-class programme for pupils' personal development. The elements of the school's innovative 'Inauro' scheme ensure that pupils feel safe and well prepared for life in modern society. Sixth-form students are well integrated into the life of the school.

They are exceptionally positive role models for younger pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a precise understanding of the school's strengths and future development priorities. Governors are highly effective in holding leaders to account.

At the heart of the school's success is an unwavering commitment to nurturing a strong culture of collaboration that puts pupils' interests first. The morale of staff is buoyant and united.

The high levels of academic and social achievement are rooted in exceptionally strong and cohesive opportunities for professional learning and development, complemented by robust arrangements designed to constantly check the quality of the school's provision.

Staff value these approaches, particularly teachers who are embarking on their careers.

Pupils study a broad and ambitious curriculum for as long as possible, including some subjects, such as drama and citizenship, exceeding the subject content required of them by the national curriculum. The suite of subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate are popular with most pupils.

The school also ensures that pupils can progress their studies in subjects which meet their interests and aspirations across different year groups, including three modern foreign languages and hospitality and catering, for example. In all subjects the curriculum is exceptionally well organised, including in the sixth form. Teachers and supporting adults have complete clarity about what is taught and when.

Pupils benefit from being taught by specialist staff. Teachers' subject knowledge is consistently strong. They use this to design lessons that ignite pupils' curiosity about new ideas and concepts.

Staff use assessment well to check that pupils' understanding is secure before moving on to new activities. Pupils are remarkably articulate in answering questions and showing their understanding to staff and fellow pupils. The quality of pupils' extended written work is of a notably high quality.

In sixth-form lessons, students say that interactive learning experiences help them to remember more. Inspectors saw this in mathematics, for example.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported in school.

The oversight of the provision for these pupils is strong. The school is uncompromising in its commitment to supporting pupils with SEND while also promoting their increasing independence and self-confidence. Many parents spoke of staff going 'above and beyond' to provide the help and support their children need, including in the sixth form.

Vulnerable pupils achieve well. They produce similarly high-quality work to their peers and strive to meet the school's high expectations of all.

Reading is well promoted in school.

Pupils frequently read independently as part of formal dedicated sessions. The school's strategies to support pupils who need additional help to strengthen reading accuracy and comprehension are well established, enabling these pupils to flourish as well as their peers.

The school takes pupils' personal and character development seriously.

The 'Inauro' programme holistically connects exceptionally well pupils' study of: personal safety; personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education; relationships and sex education; and careers advice and guidance. Pupils have a strong understanding of equality and moral issues. They embrace the school's Catholic and British values in their conduct with others.

The programme is complemented by an extensive range of extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities that are inclusive of all pupils. Pupils wear their ASPIRE reward badges with pride, showing their commitment to service, faith, endeavour and academic progress.

The 'Inauro' programme extends throughout the sixth form.

Students excel in leadership and community initiatives that enable them to be very well prepared for early adulthood. They receive expert guidance about their next steps towards higher education and non-university pathways.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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