St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Poole

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About St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Poole

Name St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Poole
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Clare Tickel
Address Devon Road, Poole, BH15 3QQ
Phone Number 01202676207
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 402
Local Authority Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders and teachers are working together effectively to raise standards.

They responded quickly to the criticisms made in the last inspection and have made significant improvements. Pupils now make progress broadly in line with those in other schools from the time they enter the early years right through until they leave for secondary school. Leaders and teachers work well to support pupils who speak English as an additional language (EAL).

As a result of the support they receive, particularly in the early years, these pupils make better-than-average progress. The trust and the local governing body have significantly increased the level ...of challenge and support they provide to leaders. Trust officers and governors have put good accountability systems in place and know the school well.

Children make good progress in the early years as a result of the quality of teaching they receive. They get a good start in learning to read, in a bright and stimulating learning environment. Pupils behave well.

They are friendly, supportive of each other and do what teachers ask of them. Lessons are rarely disrupted by poor behaviour. Leaders make sure that pupils' personal development has a high priority across the school.

There is a strong ethos of welcome, warmth and respect, underpinned by the school's religious foundation. Pupils enjoy a broad curriculum in all year groups. They learn about the world around them and their contribution to it.

There are good opportunities to enjoy music and develop their artistic skills. Before- and after-school clubs are well attended and are a prominent part of school life. Middle leaders are enthusiastic and committed to improving teaching and learning.

However, some are still developing the skills necessary to be completely effective in their role. Teachers sometimes do not have high enough expectations of what pupils of average and below-average ability can achieve. This results in some pupils, particularly boys, making less progress than they should.

Some pupils' standards in writing are not as good as they are in reading and mathematics. This is because teachers' advice is sometimes not precise enough to be helpful. The quality of pupils' writing is sometimes undermined by their weak spelling, punctuation and handwriting.

Information about this school

The school is a larger-than-average primary school. It has a larger-than-average proportion of pupils from minority ethnic groups. The proportion of pupils who speak EAL is much higher than the national average.

It approaches 50% in the early years. The proportion of pupils who are eligible for the pupil premium is well below average. The school is sponsored by Plymouth CAST multi-academy trust.

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