St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jonathan Sims
Address Glenure Road, Eltham, London, SE9 1UF
Phone Number 02088507835
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 454
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have created an ambitious and exciting curriculum. Pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their education.

They enjoy their lessons and social activities. Staff have high expectations of pupils, which they respond to with exemplary behaviour and a strong work ethic. Leaders deal with any bullying concerns swiftly and seriously.

Pupils trust adults to deal with any problems. Safeguarding is effective. Pupils live up to the school's aims, including being respectful.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are highly supported by staff who care about them. Staff encourage pupils to take on, such as being playground leaders and school councillors. Older pupils support younger pupils to settle and flourish.

For example, they enjoyed supporting younger pupils with their reading. Staff support and celebrate pupils' talents, inside and outside school, through an extensive range of clubs and activities. Many pupils excel in music, singing and sport.

Parents and carers are highly positive about the impact the school has on their children. One parent shared views typical of many, calling it an 'amazing school'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious and exciting curriculum which is accessible to all pupils.

This includes pupils with SEND. Subject leaders have a very strong understanding of their responsibilities. Teachers and teaching assistants access high-quality professional development.

This results in staff continually developing their subject knowledge and expertise. All staff are determined to provide the best possible education for every pupil. In early years, leaders build on children's understanding in a logical way across all areas of learning.

Pupils enjoy reading. They read widely and often. Pupils at the earliest stages of learning to read are quickly identified.

They are well supported by trained staff. Teachers ensure that pupils regularly practise new sounds so that they use these with accuracy. Skilled staff support pupils to read fluently.

Pupils enjoy visiting the newly refurbished library. There are spaces in every classroom to read a variety of books. Pupils relish the opportunity to show how well they can read and how exciting they find stories.

Teachers use pupils' assessment information precisely to identify and close any gaps. Teachers consider carefully what pupils know, and build on their prior knowledge. Staff explain new information clearly and accurately.

They provide opportunities for pupils to revisit content that they have been taught. Teachers make regular checks on what pupils have learned. They expertly identify and support pupils who need extra help with their learning.

Teachers quickly adjust their plans to help these pupils to catch up. In mathematics, pupils develop strong knowledge of calculating, reasoning and problem-solving. They learn the importance of practising and applying mathematical concepts in lessons to real-life situations.

In Reception, children build strong mathematical foundations, including in shape, space, measures and numbers.

Leaders identify the needs of pupils with SEND precisely. They work closely with external specialists, including healthcare professionals, to support pupils' health and emotional needs.

Staff support pupils with complex needs well so that they can take an active part in lessons and social activities with their peers.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary throughout the school. No time is wasted in learning.

Staff expertly manage pupils' behaviour, which helps pupils to remain focused and on task. Children in the early years learn to take turns and share resources. Adults support children to follow instructions and develop independence.

Pupils' personal development is carefully planned through all aspects of the curriculum. Pupils have an extensive knowledge of different faiths and beliefs. Pupils are taught about tolerance and being kind to each other.

They understand the importance of staying healthy. Staff support pupils to deepen their understanding of societal issues, such as discrimination. This prepares pupils well for the future.

Pupils have many and varied opportunities to develop new talents and social skills. Pupils enjoy a wide range of sports and are proud to represent their school. Pupils understand the importance of equalities.

They celebrate differences among people and cultures.

The governing body and leaders support the well-being of staff. Staff, including those in their early careers, feel valued and supported with their workload.

Members of the trust and the governing body bring a wide range of expertise to their roles. They link decision-making to the best possible outcomes for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that there is a strong safeguarding culture in the school. They make the appropriate pre-employment checks when recruiting new staff. All staff receive regular safeguarding training and updates from external agencies.

Staff know individual pupils very well. As a result, they recognise any signs of concern at an early stage, and report these quickly.

Leaders deal with concerns promptly and effectively.

Leaders encourage pupils to stay safe, including ensuring an appropriate understanding of safe relationships. Pupils know they can talk to a trusted adult if they are worried about anything. They are taught to stay safe, including online.

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