St Mary’s Kilburn Church of England Primary School

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About St Mary’s Kilburn Church of England Primary School

Name St Mary’s Kilburn Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Harvey Webb
Address Quex Road, Kilburn, London, NW6 4PG
Phone Number 02073726565
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 229
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

School values such as 'integrity, honesty, determination and excellence' guide the work of staff and pupils at this school.

Working relationships between staff and pupils are caring and supportive at this highly welcoming school. Leaders and staff care deeply about the well-being of all pupils in the school.

Pupils care for and respect each other and adults.

Staff respond quickly to any concerns pupils may have and help them to resolve any disagreements. Behaviour is highly positive across the school. Staff ensure that pupils know how to stay safe in and out of school.

Pupils have many opportunities to build the strength of character to be successful... in later life.

High expectations and aspirations for all pupils are followed by staff consistently. Teachers provide excellent support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils respond to learning challenges with great enthusiasm. They enjoy many leadership roles, such as school council members. Leaders plan a wide variety of outings and visitors to support the curriculum.

Parents, governors and community leaders are regular visitors to the school. Parents speak highly of the school, with many sharing how pupils here can flourish and thrive.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum has been designed to be ambitious for all children from the start of the early years.

Leaders identify the key areas of knowledge and skills pupils need to learn and practise over time. The carefully planned curriculum builds logically and sequentially. This helps pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding across all subjects.

Highly skilled and trained staff ensure that they skilfully build upon the content that pupils know and understand. Expectations are always high, regardless of the activity or subject. This is evident across the school, including in early years.

Pupils are very well prepared for the next stages of their learning.

Leaders place great importance on the early stages of reading. They have introduced a highly effective programme of phonics teaching.

Children in early years have access to a range of books to spark their interest in reading from an early age. The books are easily accessible and available in every classroom. Pupils learn to read with accuracy and confidence.

Books that pupils read are carefully matched to the sounds they know. Teachers rapidly identify those pupils who need extra support. This helps pupils to keep up with the phonics programme and to build their reading confidence.

Pupils read with fluency. They have regular opportunities to read an increasing variety and range of texts in many subjects. Pupils confidently shared their love of reading and the many authors that inspired them.

Pupils are enthusiastic learners who focus intently on their learning. In the early years, opportunities for reading and writing are carefully built into many play activities, role play or story time. Leaders ensure regular training and support for staff to build expertise in all areas of teaching.

Teachers provide feedback to pupils on a regular basis, tailored to their individual needs. They check and address any misconceptions quickly. As a result, pupils' work and subject-specific knowledge are of high quality.

Pupils are inspired by the imaginative subject content that leaders choose for them to study, such as the study of contemporary artists.

Teachers ensure that there are no barriers to allowing all pupils to access the full curriculum successfully. There are clear systems in place to identify and support pupils with SEND.

This allows them to access the full curriculum.

Leaders ensure that all pupils receive a rich and carefully developed personal, social and health education programme. Pupils hold impressive knowledge about cultural diversity and different faiths.

Relationships education is comprehensive and age-appropriate. Pupils understand areas such as the importance of healthy living and friendships. Leaders also prioritise pupils' broader development through access to a range of clubs and visits.

Pupils are enthusiastic about the cultural experiences provided in school, which deepen their knowledge of society around them. Leaders ensure that pupils have a deep understanding of British values and of respecting everyone in society.

Leaders, including governors, have extremely high expectations for all pupils and staff.

They have created a consistent approach to behaviour expectations and curriculum ambitions. Pupils rise to the challenges, develop as individuals and achieve very well. Staff feel valued; their well-being is considered, and they are supported to deliver the ambitious curriculum and school aims.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

A strong culture of safeguarding runs through the school. Staff are well trained and vigilant for signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm.

Staff report concerns promptly. Leaders ensure that pupils and families get the help and support they need. They make referrals to external agencies when needed.

Pupils talked confidently about how the school teaches them to keep safe, including online. Pupils feel safe in school and know that they can talk to any adult if they are worried. This is highly valued by parents.

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