St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Haslingden
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About St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Haslingden
St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Haslingden
Pupils thrive in the inspiring environment of this warm and welcoming school. They benefit from a culture of common endeavour, where everyone prizes learning. Pupils' support for one another is uncommonly strong.
They are keen both to celebrate one another's success and to provide support and motivation for their peers when needed.
Pupils work hard to reach the school's high expectations and achieve very well. They benefit from many opportunities to develop their character and confidence, such as representing the school in sporting or singing competitions.
Every pupil, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), contributes to t...he school production in a role that suits their talents.
Pupils treat one another with respect and compassion. Older pupils are exceptional role models, displaying respect, kindness and positivity.
They form strong relationships with their younger peers, helping them to live up to these high standards of behaviour.
Pupils make a tangible contribution to the school community through taking on leadership roles. For example, pupils have been trained as 'reading buddies' who help younger children practise their phonics each week.
Play leaders design enjoyable games and activities for their peers at lunchtime. Mathematics ambassadors help to build fellow pupils' confidence and resilience, as well as celebrate their mathematical success.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed an inspiring curriculum that is both broad and ambitious.
It has thought carefully about how pupils' knowledge develops over time, including those pupils in the mixed-age classes. This starts in the early years, where children's learning prepares them very well for the demands of key stage 1.
The school fosters open and supportive relationships between staff at all levels.
It is committed to supporting them in being the very best that they can be. Staff benefit from an extensive training programme that equips them with an impressive understanding of how pupils learn. They use this expertise to design highly effective learning that connects to what pupils already know.
This allows pupils to develop a deep understanding across the curriculum.
Staff are adept at checking that pupils learn all that they intend. They swiftly address any misconceptions that pupils hold, preventing them from taking root in their long-term memory.
In the early years, staff have a firm understanding of children's next steps in learning. They design activities that enable children to practise and rehearse their knowledge until it is secure.
Staff are well trained to identify and support pupils with SEND.
They make effective adaptations that allow these pupils to learn in line with their peers. This allows pupils with SEND to achieve very well.
In the early years, staff are highly successful in developing children's communication and language skills.
They support children in acquiring a wide range of vocabulary, including sophisticated subject-specific terms. For example, children in the early years told the inspector that they needed to use a 'palaeontologist's brush' to uncover fossils buried in the soil.
Staff expertly implement the well-embedded phonics programme.
Pupils quickly learn to recognise the sounds that letters make. They regularly practise reading using books that match the sounds that they know. Staff quickly spot any pupils who struggle with reading.
These pupils receive the help that they need to improve.
A love of reading permeates the school. Younger pupils regularly revisit and recreate their favourite stories and rhymes.
Staff encourage older pupils to read widely and frequently. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about their favourite genres and authors.
The school has high expectations of pupils' attendance and pupils are rarely absent.
Nevertheless, the school maintains a close eye on attendance. It takes early and effective action to support any pupil whose attendance begins to decline.
From the early years on, pupils display exceptionally positive behaviour.
They are committed to their studies and take pride in their learning. Children in the early years are highly focused. They demonstrate perseverance and determination in their learning and play.
The school has designed a far-reaching programme to support pupils' wider development. This permeates each subject curriculum so that pupils develop a well-rounded body of knowledge. For example, by encountering inspiring artists, scientists and historical figures from a range of backgrounds, pupils learn about different religions, cultures and disabilities.
The school is determined that every pupil should benefit from the impressive array of activities that enhance their learning, including trips to a castle and a museum, and a visit from a 'caveman'. Further to this, the school has mapped an impressive array of memorable 'butterfly moments' for every pupil, including fishing, skiing and caving, as well as a trip on a steam train.
The governing body works exceptionally well with the school.
Governors use their substantial expertise to provide insightful challenge and support. This helps to make sure that the school provides pupils with the highest quality of education.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.