St Michael’s Church of England C Primary School

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About St Michael’s Church of England C Primary School

Name St Michael’s Church of England C Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Amy Lane
Address Maple Road, Pelsall, Walsall, WS3 4JJ
Phone Number 01922682309
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 451
Local Authority Walsall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

A strong, inclusive ethos is at the heart of St Michael's. Pupils provide a warm welcome to visitors. Many new parents and carers spoke of the welcome they received.

The school sets high expectations for behaviour, and pupils respond positively to these expectations. Pupils treat each other with consideration. They readily share in lessons and play together well on the playground.

Relationships between staff and pupils are respectful. Most parents speak highly of staff, with some describing them as going 'the extra mile' to sort out any issues for their children. Pupils feel safe in school and know whom to talk to if they have concerns.

There are high expecta...tions for the achievement of all pupils. These expectations, together with the recent improvements to the curriculum, ensure that pupils continue to achieve well.

The school communicates to parents the importance of pupils' regular attendance.

A consultation with the school council ensured pupils understood and appreciated the attendance rewards. This has led to good attendance, which the school is determined to maintain.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since September, the new headteacher has brought staff together to make a significant number of improvements to the school.

The school has designed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Where subject curriculums have been in place for some time, teachers' subject knowledge is strong. Teachers usually present new information clearly and pupils achieve well.

However, there are a few subjects that are less well established. Pupils' learning in these subjects is not as effective.

The school usually provides pupils with planned opportunities to deepen their knowledge across the curriculum.

However, teachers' feedback to pupils about how they might improve their work is not always as helpful as it could be in some subjects. Guidance for pupils to improve their writing skills is less effective and does not consistently lead to better writing. This means that not all pupils develop their writing and editing skills to a standard of which they are capable.

Pupils with SEND are very well supported. Adults give the right amount of assistance so pupils with SEND can access the same curriculum as their classmates. Adults also give pupils time to work out things for themselves so that they become increasingly independent.

The school is ambitious for every pupil to develop a love of reading. This starts when they join the Nursery. Children learn songs and rhymes and enjoy having stories read to them.

Phonics teaching begins as soon as children enter the Reception class. Staff are well trained and deliver these lessons well. Staff use assessments effectively to identify which pupils need additional support to keep up.

Most pupils gain the knowledge and skills they need to read well. Key stage 2 pupils with SEND, who need further support, receive daily interventions and begin to read with increasing confidence and expression.

Children in the early years benefit from a recently revised, well-planned curriculum.

The school prioritises developing children's vocabulary and communication. Children learn to use mathematical vocabulary accurately, which helps them to explain how they have solved number problems. However, not all activities that teachers design engage children well enough.

This means some children choose to stay with their favourite activities rather than explore others. Consequently, children miss out on intended learning and do not develop the full breadth of wider knowledge and skills.

The school has planned for pupils' wider development across the curriculum effectively.

Pupils know how to keep safe online. Music is a strength of the school. Pupils have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.

The school choir is active in the community and visits are organised to various musical events. Pupils also contribute to school life or the wider community in other positive ways.

Pupils know to treat others with respect.

They understand that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of any differences. These are part of the school rules that pupils understand very well and that are evident in their relationships with one another.

Staff appreciate the school's consideration for their well-being and workload.

Governors are knowledgeable and skilled. They help to keep the school at the heart of the community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school does not ensure that all children in the early years engage with, and therefore learn from, the full range of planned experiences. This means some children do not fully develop their social, emotional and academic knowledge and skills as intended. The school should ensure that teachers create a learning environment where children benefit from the planned curriculum to support their good development.

Teachers do not consistently provide pupils with the information needed to improve their work. This is especially the case for writing, where pupils are not gaining the editing skills to develop their writing further. The school should ensure that pupils know how to improve their work and respond to teachers' feedback, particularly concerning their writing.

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