St Michael’s CofE Voluntary Aided Primary School

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About St Michael’s CofE Voluntary Aided Primary School

Name St Michael’s CofE Voluntary Aided Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Geraldine Gallagher
Address North Road, Highgate, London, N6 4BG
Phone Number 02083407441
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 427
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including children in the early years, flourish at this exceptional school.

All staff have the highest expectations of pupils. They enable pupils to treat those around them with the utmost respect. Leaders have shaped a highly welcoming school culture where pupils are proud to attend.

This is a very happy and safe place for pupils.Leaders place no limits on pupils' academic development. Staff have established a curriculum that helps pupils to secure a deep knowledge of each subject.

Pupils achieve highly in all areas of the curriculum. Alongside a broad curriculum, leaders make sure that pupils have access to an impressive variety of clubs and cultura...l visits.Behaviour in lessons and all around the school is exemplary.

Pupils behave with maturity towards each other and staff. They are polite and welcoming. Working relationships are positive and strong in this school.

If anything worries pupils, then staff manage this quickly. Adults' high expectations for pupils' behaviour are realised consistently across the school. Lessons are calm and pupils remain focused.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide an exceptional quality of education for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They have made sure that all staff are skilled in teaching pupils with SEND. Staff receive excellent professional development to know the needs of pupils very well.

This enables pupils with SEND to flourish.

Leaders have embedded a highly ambitious curriculum, often exceeding the expectations of the national curriculum. Subject leaders have identified the knowledge, skills and key vocabulary that all pupils need.

All pupils achieve consistently well across the curriculum. For instance, in music, staff helped pupils to discuss a range of classical composers, such as Holst and Stravinsky, confidently.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

They ensure that pupils learn content in a well-considered order. Teachers use pupils' assessment information well. They check what pupils know and can do through skilful questioning.

Teachers address any gaps in pupils' understanding quickly. Pupils have lots of opportunities to revisit and build on their prior learning. This helps them to develop their subject-specific knowledge excellently.

Pupils in this school love reading. Children in early years get off to a very strong start, quickly becoming fluent readers and writers. Staff are expertly trained in teaching them to read.

All children receive high-quality support to help them to become strong in both reading and early writing. Standards of writing in the early years are exceptional. Books that pupils read are closely matched to the sounds that they know.

This supports children in learning to read with confidence. Throughout the school, leaders provide pupils with a wide range of literature. This inspires pupils to talk in detail about their favourite authors, novels and books.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary. They focus very well on their learning. Low-level disruption in lessons is rare.

Pupils take great pride in their work and produce work of a high quality, for instance in their art sketchbooks, in music journals and in displays of work around the school.

Pupils take their positions of responsibility seriously, particularly as sports ambassadors. Playtimes are well organised, and enjoyed thoroughly by pupils in the school's well-maintained grounds.

Leaders enable pupils to develop an impressive understanding of relationships, health and well-being. They provide superb opportunities to enhance pupils' personal development. Staff teach pupils in detail about a range of different faiths, beliefs and cultures.

This knowledge informs the deep respect with which pupils treat everyone around them. Pupils contribute positively to the school and to the local community. They take part in regular fundraising activities for their chosen charities.

The school develops pupils' interests and talents very successfully. Pupils have opportunities to attend a wide range of clubs, such as chess, gymnastics, choir and multisports events. Leaders make sure that all pupils receive a wide range of cultural and sporting experiences.

Those responsible for governance are highly committed, and knowledgeable about the school. They use their knowledge of the school very well to challenge and support leaders. Leaders deliver effective professional development for all staff.

This helps staff to become experts across the curriculum. The workload and well-being of all staff are carefully considered. Leaders listen to staff and make appropriate changes to support their work-life balance.

Staff are very proud to work at this thriving school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding.

They ensure that staff have the training they need to recognise the signs that indicate a pupil needs help and support. Staff record any concerns, and leaders act on these promptly. Leaders work very closely with external agencies to achieve the best outcomes for families.

Pupils are taught about how to keep safe through the curriculum, including when they are online. They can identify a trusted adult to share any worries or concerns with. This helps them to feel safe.

Also at this postcode
Junior Adventures Group @ St Michaels N6 Stagecoach Highgate

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