St Nicholas Church of England Primary

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About St Nicholas Church of England Primary

Name St Nicholas Church of England Primary
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Laura Williams
Address School Road, Chislehurst, BR7 5PQ
Phone Number 02084672993
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 215
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at this unique and exceptional school. From the moment that they arrive in the Reception Year, they benefit from high-quality care and support.

They are very well prepared for the next stage of their education. As a result of the school's broad and ambitious curriculum, pupils achieve highly across the range of different subjects. They perform very well in national tests in English and mathematics.

Relationships between all members of this small community are happy and harmonious. Pupils feel known and cared for. The school values of friendship and compassion are demonstrated in the interactions between adults and children.

In class, pupils ar...e curious and inquisitive. They show great enthusiasm and excitement for their learning. At lunchtime, they love going to 'the pit' to participate in the many activities that are organised for them.

Older pupils make a valuable contribution to school life. They take on roles including play leaders, digital leaders, charity representatives and sports captains. They conduct parent tours and help to manage the organisation of parents' evenings.

Despite its size, the school is very well represented at local sports, music and cultural events. One stakeholder represented the views of many when they said that 'St Nick's is a small school with big ambition'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has thought carefully about what it wants pupils to know and remember as they progress.

As a result, the curriculum often exceeds the requirements of what is expected nationally. For example, in science, pupils in Year 4 study conservation before learning about sustainability and the environment in Year 6. In physical education, the school plans for pupils to go beyond the basic aim of swimming 25 metres by doing so using a range of different swimming strokes.

The school has also thought carefully about the order in which pupils learn key knowledge. For example, children in Reception learn computing basics including how to use a mouse. In Years 1 and 2, they learn to create and debug simple programs using block coding.

In the older years, pupils code their own programs, using sequence, selection and repetition.

Reading is a key priority for the school. Children learn to decode sounds as soon as they start Reception.

Pupils make very strong progress through the phonics programme. By the end of Year 1, almost all pupils can decode well. Pupils who struggle with their reading, including some with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are identified quickly and supported to catch up with their peers.

The school works closely with parents and carers to ensure that pupils read regularly at home. As a result of high-quality training and development, staff teach the programme consistently well. A culture of reading pervades the school.

The school identifies the needs of the small number of pupils with SEND quickly. It ensures that their curriculum is skilfully adapted to support their learning. As a result, these pupils achieve very well.

The school extends the curriculum to support the wider development of all pupils. For example, pupils learn about the natural environment in local woodland. They take part in Robotics day, Darwin day and DNA day.

They also take part in trust competitions in debating, coding, poetry and mathematics.

The behaviour of pupils is exemplary. They fulfil the school's aim of 'behaving well when no one is watching'.

Pupils conduct themselves with great maturity around the unique school site. Children in Reception quickly learn to take turns and work well with others. They focus on their learning and maintain attention very well.

Older pupils act as role models and demonstrate what it means to be an effective 'St Nick's learner'. The school clearly communicates its high expectations of attendance to families. It follows up on any pupil absence and supports those families who require extra help.

As a result, the attendance of pupils at the school is high.

For a small school, there are a very wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests. Pupils attend many clubs including chess, dance, cross country, coding and typing.

Pupils are very well prepared for life in modern Britain. They learn about the importance of equality, human rights and social justice, both in this country and across the world. Pupils also learn about how to maintain positive mental health and emotional well-being.

Staff, parents and pupils are incredibly positive about the school. Parents value both the family atmosphere and the school's high academic expectations. Teachers and support staff appreciate the support that they receive with their professional development and workload.

They particularly value the network support meetings provided by the trust. The trust and governors all play a vital role in the school's success in providing an exceptional education to its pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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