St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Donna Hay
Address Montague Road, Liverpool, L13 5TE
Phone Number 01512288436
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 629
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders' and governors' successful amalgamation of two very different schools has resulted in a strong culture of high expectation and high morale for pupils and staff at St Oswald's Catholic Primary School. Leaders and teachers have established effective systems for monitoring pupils' progress.

This helps them to take prompt action for those pupils who are at risk of falling behind. Pupils learn well because the quality of teaching is good. Leaders have made sure that teachers have plenty of opportunities to share good practice and to develop strong subject knowledge.

Teachers speak highly of the support that leaders provide. The learnin...g that teachers plan enables pupils to make strong progress in reading, writing and mathematics. The progress that disadvantaged pupils make is similar to and sometimes better than other pupils.

Leaders know that sometimes the most able pupils make less progress, because teaching does not always challenge them sufficiently. Pupils conduct themselves extremely well around school. The strong relationships they have with their teachers contribute to the progress that pupils make.

Governors ask leaders challenging questions, for example about pupils' progress and about how leaders make sure pupils are safe. As a result, they have an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and its priorities for improvement. The curriculum that leaders and governors provide enables pupils to learn across a range of subjects, and to practise their reading, writing and mathematical skills in different ways.

Governors and leaders have worked hard together to make sure that pupils can learn about diversity, and similarities and differences that exist between cultures and families. Governors do not ask leaders enough questions to enable them to monitor the impact of this work on pupils' learning. Children in the early years make strong progress.

Many start Nursery with skills that are below those typical for their age. As a result of good teaching they catch up quickly. By the time they start Year 1, most have skills that are similar to those of other children nationally.

Leaders and governors have established a strong culture of safeguarding in school. Pupils say they feel safe in school and know who to ask for help.

Information about this school

This is a larger-than-average primary school.

The school opened in January 2016 following its amalgamation from a predecessor infant school and a predecessor junior school. The proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals is larger than average. Most pupils attending the school are White British.

The proportion of pupils whose first language is other than English is below the national average. The proportion of pupils receiving support for SEND is above average. The proportion of pupils with an education, health and care plan is below average.

The school has its own nursery provision. The school operates a breakfast club from 7.45am each day.

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