St Paul’s Church of England Combined School, Wooburn

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About St Paul’s Church of England Combined School, Wooburn

Name St Paul’s Church of England Combined School, Wooburn
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Charlotte Dennis
Address Stratford Drive, Wooburn Green, High Wycombe, HP10 0QH
Phone Number 01628521553
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 238
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils' enthusiasm for each day is plain to see. The morning's 'wake and shake' session typifies the strong relationships between staff and pupils.

From the very youngest children to the oldest pupils, all enjoy school life immensely. Pupils work hard, play harmoniously and make the most of their opportunities. Pupils' enjoyment extends beyond the classroom door.

The school's menu of additional activities is vast and very carefully considered. There is most definitely something for everyone.

Pupils attend school regularly.

None is put off by bullying as this hardly ever happens. Pupils wisely told inspectors that occasional disagreements are part of These don't cause undue worry.

Pupils know that they have the skills to solve minor fall outs. They say that friendship-stop monitors always help others to make friends.Pupils are safe and secure.

Parents and carers say that the staff take care of their children's needs.

Parents and staff work exceptionally well together. Pupils simply blossom because everyone associated with St Paul's expects the best from them.

Pupils achieve well in a range of subjects. They are well prepared for success beyond the school gates.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious.

They want pupils to succeed through an inclusive education that provides a breadth of opportunity. The school has undergone significant changes since the last inspection. Last year, despite staffing difficulties, pupils' education was not compromised as the headteacher took on a teaching responsibility.

This meant that Year 6 pupils were well prepared for secondary school, despite a change to their teaching arrangements. The headteacher leads by example, determined that pupils' best interests are put first.

Pupils study and achieve well in a full range of subjects.

Subject leaders have recently reviewed the school's curriculum planning. In most subjects, pupils' learning outcomes are defined in a suitably detailed and sequenced way. Pupils are able to recall a wealth of knowledge in some detail.

For instance, in history, Year 6 pupils could explain what life was like as a working Victorian.

Pupils at this school love to be challenged. Aligned to the school's curricular aims, pupils try hard and demonstrate resilience.

For instance, in mathematics, one pupil commented on their choice of task saying: 'I chose super hard, because I want to stretch myself. If I find it hard then I will try again. That is what we do here.'

Leaders have the expectation that every child will become a confident reader. All pupils achieve well in this aspect. For instance, in 2019 and by the end of Year 2, all pupils met the standard required in the phonics screening check.

Parents offer tremendous support, hearing their children read regularly. All pupils enjoy a suitable range of reading materials, including making good use of a well-resourced library.However, despite these efforts, pupils in key stage 2 do not demonstrate a real passion for the world of literature.

This is because their reading choices are not channelled closely enough by teaching staff.

Parents are very supportive and fully involve themselves in their child's schooling. Most parents rate the school highly and would recommend it to other parents.

However, some parents of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) believe their child's experience could be improved. Inspectors agree. Pupils with SEND benefit from a wide range of additional support.

However, teachers' planning is not always adapted appropriately for pupils with SEND.

Children at this school benefit from a fabulous start. The nursery class is welcoming, and children quickly settle in.

In the early years, adults interact purposefully at every turn. For instance, adults play alongside children, prompting focused interactions through their skilled questioning. Adults are adept at getting the best from children.

Consequently, children quickly develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for learning in Year 1.

Leaders' emphasis on developing pupils individually is first rate. Pupils behave well and are respectful to adults.

The school's extra-curricular offer is kept under regular review and regularly refreshed. All staff are committed to pupils' wider development.

The well-being of staff is central to the school's work.

The headteacher ensures that she keeps a close eye on this aspect. Following up on a recent staff survey, leaders made useful adaptations to the school's approach to homework. Pupils' independence is now promoted more strongly, and staff workload has reduced.

Changes to pupils' homework have been welcomed by all stakeholders and are working well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff, including the school's designated safeguarding leads (DSLs), have received appropriate training.

Staff regularly reflect on their approach, such as discussing potential safeguarding scenarios regularly. Staff pass on any concerns about pupils' welfare diligently. However, leaders' follow-up actions are not recorded in as much detail as they should be.

The school's curriculum is well designed with appropriate emphasis on how to stay safe. Pupils of different ages learn the importance of personal safety through a range of topics. Pupils know how to stay safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Staff pass on any concerns about pupils' safety in a timely and thorough manner. Such concerns are always acted upon and logged. However, some records do not contain the level of detail required.

This means that pupils' individual case chronologies are not as comprehensive as they should be. Leaders need to ensure that the school's record-keeping is sufficiently detailed and captures all actions taken. .

In all phases, pupils achieve extremely well in reading. Pupils are taught the skills that they need systematically. Parents, too, offer tremendous support, hearing their children read regularly.

However, pupils' love of reading is less secure. Leaders should ensure that they oversee pupils' reading choices more closely. .

Pupils with SEND are supported well by teaching assistants, particularly in small-group intervention work. However, their needs are catered for less well in whole-class sessions. Teachers should ensure that planned activities cater well for all pupils' starting points, including those pupils with SEND.

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