St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

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About St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

Name St Paul’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Angela Batchelor
Address Penrose Street, Walworth, London, SE17 3DT
Phone Number 02077034896
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 182
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school is summed up well by a parent when they said, 'Staff make every effort so that my child can learn and develop little by little on her own.'

Staff care about helping their pupils; they know them well and adapt their teaching to meet their needs effectively.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils. This can be seen, for example, in pupils' good behaviour and high attendance.

Pupils enjoy coming to school. They get on well with each other. Leaders' focus on helping pupils to become resilient and confident can be seen in all sorts of ways.

Pupils, including those in the early years, readily came up to inspectors to introduce themselves and... to say hello, for example.

Leaders place a strong emphasis on reading. In the words of a pupil: 'They are obsessed with it.'

Leaders make sure that what is taught and practised in Nursery prepares children well for early reading in later years, for example through repetition of songs and rhymes. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported in becoming fluent readers.

Staff all work together to keep pupils safe and well.

Pupils told inspectors that they feel safe at school and that adults would help them if they ever needed it.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for what they want pupils to achieve. This ambition includes ensuring that pupils develop a secure knowledge of mathematics.

For example, strong staff expertise helps children in the early years to gain a deep understanding of the numbers up to 10. By the end of Year 4, pupils are very confident in their knowledge of the times tables.

Leaders keep the curriculum under review and have prioritised certain subjects since the return from the pandemic lockdowns.

They are now making improvements to the modern foreign languages and music curriculums. In most subjects, leaders have thought about what pupils should know and remember. Teachers use their subject knowledge well in presenting and explaining new concepts to pupils.

Pupils develop a strong body of knowledge and skills in most subjects.

In a small number of subjects or areas of learning in the early years, the key knowledge that leaders want pupils to learn is not as precisely identified and/or as well sequenced as it could be. When this happens, adults do not put enough emphasis on teaching and then checking pupils' understanding of the most important subject content and vocabulary.

As a result, some knowledge is not sticking in pupils' long-term memory.

Staff have ensured that the library is an important part of the school. Pupils of all ages use it regularly, including at lunchtimes, and they develop an enjoyment of reading for pleasure.

Leaders make sure that weaker readers get all the support that they need to keep up with their peers.

Leaders have ensured that the early years is an exciting place to learn. The outdoors environment supports pupils with their physical development.

Children learn how to balance and coordinate their movements as they safely negotiate their way over obstacles that have been set up for them.

Pupils with SEND have their needs identified quickly and accurately. They also benefit from receiving any individualised support that they might need, for example in relation to their speech and language.

Pupils have access to a sensory room that is used to help meet pupils' individual learning needs.

Leaders prioritise pupils' well-being and safety. Pupils are taught how to look after their physical and mental health.

This includes through the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) curriculum, physical education (PE) and workshops from guest speakers. Pupils are also taught about the importance of respect and tolerance, for example for other pupils who have different faiths and beliefs. Staff organise different visits for pupils, such as the Year 6 residential and the theatre trip for children in the early years.

However, opportunities for pupils to nurture their own talents and interests, such as through the school's range of after-school clubs, is too limited. Leaders acknowledge that the current offer could be broadened to include more non-sporting related activities.

The trust board and local governing body work well together.

The trust gives lots of support to the school, for example through subject networks and their checking on the quality of education. Trustees and governors know the school well, giving the right balance of challenge and support to school leaders.

There is a real sense of teamwork at St Paul's.

Staff feel very well supported. This includes with their work-life balance and in managing behaviour. Everyone is clear on the expectations for behaviour.

Pupils behave well. They treat each other and staff with respect. Pupils also enjoy becoming prefects and helping to support other pupils at lunchtimes.

Children in the early years follow clear routines, learning how to take turns and to manage their emotions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders are quick to respond to any safeguarding concerns that are reported by staff.

They keep detailed records, including their communication with external agencies. Leaders make sure that parents and carers are offered the early help that they might need to support their children.

In PSHE, pupils are taught a range of ways to stay safe, including when online.

They are also taught about developing positive relationships, in relation to topics such as consent and knowing when to speak out. Parents are confident that their children are happy and safe at school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects and areas of learning, the key knowledge and skills that leaders want pupils to learn are not as precisely identified and well sequenced as they should be.

This makes it harder for adults working with pupils to know what content to explicitly teach and then check that pupils have understood. As a result, some important knowledge is not sticking in pupils' long-term memories. Leaders should review their curriculum thinking in these subjects, ensuring that what they want pupils to know and remember is identified, taught and assessed by staff.

• The school's overall offer to nurture pupils' different talents and interests is not as well developed as it should be. As a result, some pupils miss out on opportunities for their broader development. Leaders should review their offer and ensure that more pupils are able to nurture and stretch their individual talents and interests.

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