St Paul’s CofE Primary School

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About St Paul’s CofE Primary School

Name St Paul’s CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Cathyrn Mann
Address Ringwood Way, Winchmore Hill, London, N21 2RA
Phone Number 02083603137
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 418
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a kind and happy school where pupils are encouraged to 'shine like stars'. Pupils are respectful towards their peers, staff and visitors. Pupils are given a range of opportunities to take on positions of responsibility.

Older pupils work hard to be role models and they value supporting younger pupils.

Pupils behave well here because adults typically have high expectations of them. Relationships between staff and pupils are nurturing and warm.

Pupils are confident that if they have a worry, a trusted adult will listen and help them. Pupils feel happy and are safe here.

Pupils achieve well across a range of subjects.

They are proud of ...their learning. This includes children in Reception, who are eager to show their work to visitors.Pupils are thoughtful learners.

For example, pupils in Year 6 recall key information on rights and discrimination from learning about the Bristol Bus Boycott. Pupils are taught that people of different backgrounds and cultures should be treated equally.Everyone is celebrated here.

This includes those of other faiths and those in all different kinds of families. Pupils work hard to show the school's values of love, forgiveness, faith, friendship, peace and hope.

Leaders prioritise attendance.

The school takes appropriate action so that attendance remains high.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Reading is prioritised here. Children are taught to read right from the start of Reception.

This is because leaders want pupils to read fluently and without delay. Pupils visit the school library regularly and are read to daily. Pupils across the school read widely and often.

These experiences develop a love for reading.Teachers and other adults have been well trained to teach reading. The reading programme is delivered with consistency.

Pupils regularly revisit previously learned letters and sounds, which they recall confidently. Books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils have been taught. As a result, pupils read with developing fluency.

Effective support is in place for those pupils who are at risk of falling behind and need help to keep up.The school has in place a well-structured curriculum. Leaders have identified the key skills and knowledge they expect pupils to be taught.

For example, in computing, pupils in Year 5 are able to programme a device to make a carousel move. This is because pupils have previously been taught about algorithms. In Reception, children are taught to find 'one less' than a number up to five using mathematical resources.

This mathematical learning prepares children well for learning in Year 1. However, on a few occasions, learning is not sequenced as effectively as it could be. This means that sometimes pupils do not build on their learning and deepen their understanding as intended.

Teachers typically have good subject knowledge. They explain concepts such as 'digraph' and 'trigraph' clearly when teaching early reading and encourage pupils to find these letter patterns in words. However, in a few subjects, adults do not check pupils' understanding enough.

Therefore, some pupils have gaps in their learning.Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND are effectively identified.

Pupils with SEND achieve well because leaders and teachers make appropriate adaptations to teaching. The school has effective relationships with external professionals who provide training and support for staff.

Pupils behave well in lessons and during social times.

Staff generally have high expectations. Learning is not interrupted by inappropriate behaviour. Pupils value receiving awards for working hard because they get to stand up in an assembly for all to see.

The school has thought carefully about how to support pupils' personal development. The personal, social, health and economic education curriculum is well sequenced. Therefore, pupils learn about consent in an age-appropriate manner.

This includes children in the early years, who are taught the language to express if they do not like something. Pupils are taught about the risks they could face within and beyond school. They learn the importance of keeping personal information safe and how to report any concerns they may encounter online.

Leaders provide a range of clubs, including multi-skills, orchestra and gardening club. These activities help pupils to develop their talents and pursue their interests. Members of the school choir are given opportunities to perform to others.

They recently sang to members of a local care home.

Leaders, including the governing body, are ambitious for all pupils to flourish, thrive and achieve well here. The governing body know the strengths and areas for development for the school well.

Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the guidance they receive to develop their practice. Staff value the support leaders give to their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• On a few occasions, learning in lessons does not effectively sequence essential knowledge with precision. This means that some pupils do not build on and deepen their understanding. The school needs to think carefully about the sequencing of component knowledge to enable pupils to achieve more complex tasks.

• In a few subjects, adults do not check pupils' understanding of what has been taught systematically enough. As a result, some pupils have gaps in their learning. The school should ensure that assessment is used sharply and any gaps in understanding are addressed.

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