St Peter’s CofE Academy

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About St Peter’s CofE Academy

Name St Peter’s CofE Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Gordon Nunn
Address Lord’s Mead, Chippenham, SN14 0LL
Phone Number 01249653537
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 189
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

St Peter's Church of England Academy is a friendly, happy place for pupils to learn.

Leaders' vision of 'giving children the keys to unlock their future' includes providing a rich curriculum. However, in several subjects, the curriculum is not sufficiently ambitious. Consequently, pupils do not develop the depth of knowledge they need.

Pupils understand what adults expect of them. As a result, they are well-mannered and respectful. They listen carefully and participate enthusiastically in their learning.

Pupils are confident that bullying is not tolerated. They say that adults quickly sort out any problems.

Pastoral provision is strong.

Staf...f care deeply about pupils and are sensitive to their needs. Therefore, pupils feel valued and safe. They know they can go to any adult in school if they have any worries and that they will be listened to.

Parents speak highly of the school. For example, one parent's view that 'our children are looked after and nurtured brilliantly' is representative of many.

Pupils are proud to attend the school.

They enjoy 'enrichment Friday', during which they can try activities such as cooking, singing and games.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, including those from the multi-academy trust, are committed to improving the school. Leaders are well-regarded by staff, who feel well supported.

Leaders have acted swiftly to improve attendance and behaviour. However, the curriculum is not sufficiently ambitious across all subjects. Leaders do not always identify the specific knowledge and skills pupils must learn.

As a result, pupils are unable to build on prior learning to deepen their knowledge. Furthermore, gaps in pupils' learning are not always identified. This means that these gaps persist.

Leaders are in the early stages of developing the curriculum and the use of assessment to check what pupils have learned. However, some leaders are new to their roles. Therefore, they have not yet supported teachers to improve their subject knowledge or checked how well pupils learn the curriculum.

Children learn to read as soon as they start school. Their reading books are matched to what they are learning in class. Leaders provide extra support for pupils who find it more difficult to read.

This is helping pupils to catch up. However, the teaching of phonics across the school is variable in quality. Pupils practise the phonic sounds they have learned regularly, but they are not always taught the correct pronunciation.

Leaders have not identified this, so have not acted swiftly enough to address this.

Pupils enjoy reading for pleasure, and the school provides them with a wide range of books to choose from. Pupils listen with interest when adults read to them.

For example, Year 6 pupils currently enjoy 'Windrush Child' by Benjamin Zephaniah.

Leaders have improved the mathematics curriculum. From Reception Year, children learn to count objects and match them to corresponding numbers.

Children explore capacity when they fill teapots with water. They use vocabulary such as 'full' and 'empty' to describe them. Older pupils practise their times tables regularly.

Pupils use this knowledge to solve problems. However, teachers' use of assessment does not always highlight when pupils have not learned some of the important mathematical knowledge they need.

Leaders work closely with teachers and outside agencies to ensure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are provided with precisely targeted support.

This ensures that pupils follow the same curriculum as their peers. Pupils and parents value this support.

Pupils behave well and enjoy learning.

They concentrate carefully and try their best. Low-level disruption is rare because pupils know what adults expect of them. A minority of pupils who find it difficult to recognise and manage their emotions are sensitively supported.

For example, pupils learn to practise breathing techniques and talk about their feelings. Pupils say this helps them to become calm.

Pupils' personal development is supported well.

Pupils learn to share their ideas and consider others' views. For example, pupils learn about the significance of Remembrance Day. Children in Reception make poppies to commemorate the occasion.

Pupils take part in community events, such as fundraising and sports festivals. They can join clubs, such as football and multi-skills. Pupils take on positions of responsibility, for example, when they join the school council or become Worship Ambassadors.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff are vigilant. Leaders carry out the necessary checks to ensure all staff are safe to work with children.

They meticulously record all details.

Leaders' training for staff means that staff understand their roles and consistently follow the school's procedures for referring concerns. Leaders make timely referrals when they believe a pupil might be at risk.

They seek advice from specialist agencies to ensure that families get the support they need.

Pupils learn how to keep safe. For example, they are supported to understand about safe relationships, drug awareness and online safety at an age-appropriate level.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have not yet identified the knowledge that they want pupils to learn in all subjects. Consequently, pupils are not able to build on what they already know. Leaders must identify the important knowledge and skills they expect pupils to learn so that, in all subjects, pupils consistently know and remember more over time.

• Leaders and teachers do not always identify when pupils have not learned what they need to know. As a result, some gaps in pupils' knowledge persist. Leaders must ensure that teachers check that pupils are successfully learning the curriculum as intended.

• Some leaders have not yet identified precisely what needs to improve in the area they are responsible for. As a result, they are not acting to bring about change where it is needed. Leaders must ensure that there is an accurate overview of the effectiveness of their work so that they can act swiftly on this information.

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