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About St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, Winchester
At St Peter's, children learn and grow in a happy, secure and nurturing environment.
Parents enthuse about how inclusive the school is and value how it welcomes and celebrates children from all faiths and backgrounds. Pupils love coming to school, delight in their learning, and they achieve well. They told inspectors that it is easy to make friends here.
Asked if there was anything that could make their school even better, one Year 6 pupil replied, 'The only thing would be if the classrooms were bigger, then even more children could benefit from being here!'
Passionate and inspiring senior leadership underpins the shared ambition and high standards achieved.... As they progress through the school, pupils respond to teachers' high expectations and immerse themselves into all that the school offers. They are supported to gain confidence and become more independent learners, well prepared for their next stages of education.
Staff know each child as an individual, nurturing warm and trusting relationships so that they feel safe and secure. Should any unkindness or bullying occur, leaders take swift and effective action. Pupils show genuine empathy and respect for their peers.
They trust staff to resolve any worries they may have.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The governors, headteacher and her senior team share a clear vision for the school and have driven forward many improvements. One parent spoke for many when they said, 'Under the headship of Miss Buxton, the staff seem more enthused and motivated, and there is a lovely atmosphere in the school.'
Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils from early years through to Year 6. Staff benefit from training, support from the local authority and working with other schools to boost their subject knowledge. Improved planning identifies the key concepts and skills that pupils need to know and how these build upon their prior learning.
This work has improved pupils' knowledge and achievement. Teachers are engaging with approaches to improve learning for disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). However, in some subjects, such as science and design and technology, further refinements to teachers' planning are either ongoing or needed.
In addition, in some year groups, further enhancements to teaching are required across subjects to ensure that all pupils learn as well as they could.
Children attending the school's Little Fishes Pre-school make a strong start to their education. Leaders provide a curriculum in early years that is well designed and sequenced.
In Nursery and Reception classes, adults typically promote children's curiosity and engagement well. Recent investment has improved the facilities so that children benefit from a learning environment that offers a stimulating range of activities. Leaders flexibly adapt this provision to meet the needs of children with SEND well.
Staff provide high-quality activities to promote children's physical, social and emotional development and their communication and language skills very effectively.
Last year, leaders reinvigorated the teaching of reading by introducing a new scheme for phonics. Staff access regular training to help them deliver this and to assess pupils' reading skills.
Most teaching is precise. Books are carefully matched to the programme so that pupils practise the sounds they have been taught. Pupils who need additional help with their reading receive bespoke support.
Teachers and pupils clearly share a love of reading. Pupils delight in recalling their favourite stories and authors. Over time, pupils become fluent readers and develop a rich vocabulary.
Leaders nurture pupils' all-round development very well. The teaching of music is a particular strength of the school, and a love of music is fostered across all years. Staff care deeply about pupils' well-being.
Pupils are supported to broaden their interests through extra-curricular clubs, trips, charity fundraising and community events. The diocese has helpfully supported leaders to adopt a new personal, social and health education curriculum recently. Senior leaders have an accurate view of the strengths of their current provision and aspects that could be refined still further.
Pupils' behaviour is typically impressive. Leaders work hard with families to maintain high levels of attendance. Pupils socialise well and play happily at breaktimes.
They move around the school sensibly and are polite to visitors. Pupils really value the school's golden rules and the rewards and routines. Any disruption is rare.
Pupils show empathy and respect for each other and to different members of their community. They develop a broad range of knowledge, together with self-confidence as learners, which equips them well for future learning and success.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and governors ensure that safer recruitment practices are meticulously followed. Leaders promote a culture of vigilance at St Peter's and ensure adults are alert to any signs that a pupil may be at risk. All staff are kept well informed through regular training and updates.
Well-managed systems are used to record and share any concerns that staff may have about pupils. Safeguarding leaders swiftly seek support from external agencies, challenging, when necessary, to ensure that pupils and their families can access the help they need. Pupils say they feel safe here and know that there are trusted adults to turn to should they need help.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? In some foundation subjects, leaders are still honing their curriculum plans so that knowledge is taught in a more coherent sequence. As a result, pupils do not always gain the depth and range of knowledge that they could. Subject leaders should continue with this work so that pupils achieve consistently in line with senior leaders' high ambitions.
• Some teachers are less confident to adapt their teaching in some areas of the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils effectively. Consequently, the pace of learning can slow down, or occasionally a minority of pupils can go off task. Leaders need to ensure that all teachers know how to skilfully support all pupils, including those with SEND, in line with the best examples in school.