St Peter’s Primary School

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About St Peter’s Primary School

Name St Peter’s Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Karen Frazer
Address 33 St Peter’s Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 9BA
Phone Number 02087487756
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 207
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The headteacher provides inspirational leadership. She is uncompromising in her drive for excellence in all aspects of school life. Middle leaders are equally ambitious.

Their work to continuously improve pupils' outcomes is highly successful. Governors have been instrumental in ensuring that the school provides an excellent standard of education. They use their range of skills and knowledge effectively to support leaders as well as hold them to account.

Parents are very complimentary about the school. They particularly appreciate the way leaders know and value every child as an individual. Teachers and staff share leaders' high e...xpectations.

This is evident in the way teaching challenges pupils to achieve to the very best of their capabilities in all subjects. Pupils benefit from a rich curriculum, including high-quality arts and sports provision. Pupils relish the opportunities they have to challenge themselves and demonstrate a genuine thirst for knowledge.

From their different starting points, pupils make strong progress in all subjects. In 2016, the progress of Year 6 pupils was significantly above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics. In key stage 1, pupils make similarly excellent progress.

As a result, Year 2 pupils attained above-average standards in the 2016 national assessments. Outstanding teaching over time ensures that pupils are exceptionally well prepared for secondary school. In 2016, the proportion of Year 6 pupils who achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics was considerably above the national average.

The most able pupils flourish in their learning, particularly in reading. In 2016, almost half of all Year 6 pupils achieved the high standard in the national reading test. Disadvantaged pupils, including the most able, achieve well.

By the time they leave St Peters, the vast majority have developed the skills and knowledge expected for their age. In the early years, children receive a superb start to school. The nurturing environment supports children to become confident and articulate learners.

As a result, they are well prepared for their learning in Year 1. Pupils' behaviour is impeccable. They are polite, caring and respectful to each other and adults.

In some year groups, pupils are given insufficient guidance on how to record their learning in mathematics.

Information about this school

St Peter's is smaller than the average-sized primary school. The school meets the government's floor standards.

The proportion of pupils eligible for the pupil premium varies considerably between year groups. Some year groups have a much higher or much lower proportion of disadvantaged pupils than the national average. The school serves pupils from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds.

The proportion of pupils whose first language is not English is above the national average. The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. Since the previous inspection, the school has completed building works that enable all classrooms to be located on the main school site.

Also at this postcode
Willows Pre-School Junior Adventures Group @ St Peters CP W6

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