St Philip’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Philip’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Philip’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah McCurdy (Acting)
Address High Street, New Town, Uckfield, TN22 5DJ
Phone Number 01825762032
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 185
Local Authority East Sussex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key findings

This is a good school. Since joining the school, the headteacher has ensured through effective management of performance that there is a clear focus on providing good teaching; consequently achievement has improved. It is not yet an outstanding school because some satisfactory teaching remains and, at times, adults take too much responsibility for the behaviour and progress of pupils; a few pupils find it difficult to manage this for themselves.

After a recent dip, the attainment of pupils by the end of Year 6 has returned to previously above average levels in English and mathematics, although slightly higher in mathematics. In English, reading is stronger than writing. From their starting points, whic...h are similar to those of other pupils their age, pupils make good progress across the school.

This means that their achievement is good. Most teaching is good or better and includes effective assessment of pupils' understanding. Systems recording this are well developed and help teachers plan work which is appropriately challenging.

Teachers and teaching assistants give pupils accurate feedback so that they know how to improve. A systematic approach to teaching the linking of letters and sounds (phonics) helps develop confident readers, but inconsistencies mean that this is not as effective in supporting writing. Behaviour is well managed by teachers, and pupils are keen to comply with the high expectations of the school.

A few pupils find this more of a challenge, and are too reliant on reminders from adults to maintain their behaviour. Pupils enjoy the work they have to do and demonstrate good attitudes to learning. The strong leadership of the headteacher has accurately identified the key issues that need to be tackled and ensured that monitoring and support have brought about improvements in teaching.

Leadership is increasingly well distributed so that this continues. Overall, leadership and management are good.

Information about the school

This is an average-sized primary school.

Since the previous inspection a new headteacher has been appointed, and there have been significant changes in the staffing. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average. The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic heritages is average; these pupils represent a wide range of different backgrounds.

The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is below average. A very few of these pupils join the school at the early stages of learning English. In some cohorts there is a higher proportion of girls than usually seen.

The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is below average, including those on school action plus and those with a statement of special educational needs. The school meets the current floor standards which are the minimum standards expected by the government for pupis' attainment and progress. The Early Years Foundation Stage comprises a single Reception class.

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