St Richard Reynolds Catholic Primary School

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About St Richard Reynolds Catholic Primary School

Name St Richard Reynolds Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Anna McMullen
Address Clifden Road, Twickenham, London, TW1 4LT
Phone Number 02083254630
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 205
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has a culture of high expectations and excellence. Pupils are encouraged to develop values which help them to strive to be the best they can be. Pupils flourish at this school and they enjoy their time here.

Pupils are safe and well looked after here. They can talk to trusted adults in school if they have any concerns. Staff are caring and get to know pupils and their families very well.

Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are polite and respectful to staff and each other.

Older pupils act as 'ambassadors' to support other pupils. For example, they help younger pupils to mak...e friends and run lunchtime clubs, including science, mathematics, computing and English. Pupils play an important part in the life of the school by taking on roles of responsibility.

The school's exceptional enrichment programme helps to ensure that pupils have a well-rounded education. All pupils have equal opportunities to explore new interests and broaden their experiences. Clubs are popular including sewing, drama, cooking and chess.

Pupils are encouraged to show their creative talents to advantage, such as through Christmas concerts and end-of-year plays. Through partnership with the secondary school on the same site, pupils take part in a wide range of sports and music.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Trustees, the governing body, school leaders and staff work together successfully to provide an excellent education for all pupils.

Their ambition is reflected in the school's broad and rich curriculum. This starts in the early years, where children are exceptionally well prepared for future learning. From Years 1 to 6, pupils learn a wide range of subjects.

The curriculum is well thought through from early years to Year 6. The school gives careful thought to what pupils learn and when, so that they are well prepared for their next phase in Year 7 and beyond. Staff continually refine the curriculum to ensure it is suitable for pupils at every stage of their learning.

Staff build on pupils' prior knowledge to help pupils tackle new learning with confidence. For example, in Reception, children learn about the seasons, which helps them when they learn about weather in Year 1. In art, pupils in Year 5 drew upon their prior learning on mixing primary colours to create secondary colours.

This helped them to create shades of skin colour for their self-portrait paintings. Staff are meticulous in making sure that pupils are secure in essential knowledge before moving on to more complex subject content.

The school ensures that staff have suitable subject expertise and training to deliver the curriculum exceptionally well.

Through the trust, staff are helped to find new challenges and have opportunities for promotion, for example, by supporting other schools in the trust. Staff morale is high. Staff are well supported with their well-being and workload.

Reading is at the heart of the school's curriculum. Staff ensure that pupils read widely and develop a love of reading. For example, pupils enjoy regular 'reading challenges,' author visits and the various book areas around the school, in addition to using the school library.

The reading programme starts in Reception. Staff follow a consistently skilful approach to teaching phonics. Those who need extra help receive targeted support to help them catch up quickly.

The school identifies pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities at an early stage. Close work with local nursery schools and with parents and carers helps to ensure that staff are well informed about children's needs when they join in Reception. The school ensures that no pupil is left behind in their learning.

All pupils achieve exceptionally well.

Throughout the school, pupils show high levels of enthusiasm for their learning. In classrooms, pupils enjoy trying out new ideas and are keen to ask questions.

Pupils get on well with each other and work effectively together. Staff take swift action if pupils start to lose focus and pupils respond readily to staff instructions. Attendance rates are high.

The school works with families to emphasise the importance of regular attendance.

Pupils are encouraged to help others and to work for the common good. For example, pupils fundraise for charities and help pupils in the special school that is located on the school site.

Pupils elected to the 'pupil parliament' play an active role in school improvement. Pupils are taught to listen to the views of others and to be respectful of people's differences.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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