St Saviour’s and St Olave’s Church of England School

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About St Saviour’s and St Olave’s Church of England School

Name St Saviour’s and St Olave’s Church of England School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Catherine May
Address New Kent Road, London, SE1 4AN
Phone Number 02074071843
Phase Secondary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 738
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at this school are nurtured. Their individual needs and talents are recognised and developed.

Leaders have put in place a broad curriculum and all pupils are supported to build up their knowledge and skills over time. This means that they are ready for their further studies in the future.

Pupils are safe and happy at school.

They value the education they receive and are kind to one another. Little learning time is lost to poor behaviour. Pupils are taught to be tolerant, and are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

They also relish the chances that they have to take on leadership roles. Staff support pupils' development as confident and a...rticulate people. Bullying is rare, but is dealt with effectively when it does occur.

The school is a harmonious community.

Leaders and teachers are ambitious for all their pupils. They want them to be the best they can be, and look beyond the school in search of additional opportunities to enrich pupils' experience of education.

They also consider how to ensure that learning is engaging for all, and how the curriculum can reflect the diverse character of the school.

Almost all pupils stay at the school for the sixth form. This reflects the confidence of pupils and their families in the quality of support and education they receive at this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is a warm and lively place. Pupils engage well in their learning. They value how much their teachers support them, both with their academic learning and personal development.

Leaders consider pupils' needs carefully. Together with staff, they have put in place an aspirational curriculum. They have also reviewed the curriculum to ensure that it represents the diversity of the school community.

For example, in history, during their study of the Tudors, pupils learn about the experiences of people with different backgrounds and heritages in early modern England. This thoughtfulness is consistent across the curriculum, both in the ambitious subject content chosen and the way in which issues are approached.

Subject leaders give careful thought to the sequencing of pupils' learning.

Pupils revisit key subject content regularly. They are also taught to make connections between the subject content that they are taught. For example, in English, pupils compare themes in the novels 'Noughts and Crosses' and 'Jane Eyre', with a focus on how depictions of women in fiction have developed over time.

Teachers consider how to enrich the curriculum. For example, pupils enter engineering competitions, and the school offers free instrumental lessons to support learning in music.

Subject teachers are knowledgeable and well trained.

They work collaboratively to make sure that the curriculum is delivered well. For example, they are developing assessment techniques to best fit the needs of individual subjects. In some subjects, pupils' understanding is checked in a helpful and systematic way.

This means that teachers are able to address misconceptions and check that pupils learn and remember more in the long term. This practice is currently not as strong in some subjects, which leads to some pupils being less clear about their learning.

Teachers adapt the planned learning effectively to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Timely and accurate identification of pupils' barriers to learning supports this work. Pupils who arrive finding it hard to read fluently are also identified and helped, including through phonics where needed.

Teachers prepare pupils well for the next stage in their learning.

Pupils start GCSEs and the sixth form ready for their courses. They are guided to make suitable subject choices, and careers education is carefully planned. Leaders continually review the offer.

In the sixth form, for instance, new courses like applied science and A-level criminology have been introduced.

Pupils respond well to high expectations. They appreciate the system of rewards, and are clear about sanctions.

In the main, pupils and staff said that these are applied fairly. Pupils receive frequent chances to shape school policy, such as in the recent uniform review with the school council. Pupils enjoy taking on the role of prefects, where they aim to act as role models for younger peers.

Sixth-form students take part readily in the wider life of the school. For example, they help out younger pupils in lessons.

Leaders have put in place a comprehensive programme of personal development.

Character is taught through an extremely well-integrated series of assemblies, lessons and special events. Pupils are reflective and discuss a wide range of issues, doing so knowledgeably and respectfully. Pupils take advantage of the very wide selection of clubs and activities on offer, including music, sports and creative activities.

Levels of participation from all are high, and singing is extremely popular.

Leaders constantly consider how to improve the school. For example, they have improved the provision for sports as part of their work to support pupils' well-being.

Staff are proud to work at the school and feel well supported by leaders.

Governors know the school very well and are supportive of leaders' ambition to secure further improvements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have put strong systems in place to identify when pupils may need help. They track attendance and behaviour carefully. They train staff to recognise and report concerns promptly, and keep clear records.

Leaders have put in place effective systems for checking the suitability of staff to work at the school.

Pupils said that they feel safe at school. They trust staff to help them when they report concerns.

Leaders ensure that pupils and families receive help quickly when needed. This includes providing a range of support on site, including counselling and work with the school's therapy dog. Leaders make appropriate referrals for additional help when needed.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, teachers do not check how well pupils have understood key subject content. This means that pupils do not remember some subject content securely over time. Leaders need to continue their work to embed consistency in this area across all subjects.

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