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This is a good school. Its success stems from warm relationships, pupils' positive attitudes and a whole school focus on pupils' achievement and well-being. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about almost all aspects of the school.
The positive views of pupils are summed up in the comment, 'This is a really friendly school; we do lots of fun things.' Pupils enter Reception with skills and knowledge that are broadly typical for their age, although they are lower in reading and writing. They make good progress across the school, particularly in English, and leave Year 6 with attainment levels that have improved year-on-year and were significantly above the national average in 2011.
A...lthough pupils' achievement in mathematics is improving quickly, it is weaker when compared to reading and writing. Nonetheless, pupils are well prepared for the next stage in their learning. Teaching is good and sometimes exceptional.
This is because teachers consistently use a range of effective strategies which meet pupils' needs and interests and enables them to be actively involved in their learning. Pupils' courteous and respectful behaviour to adults and to each other mean they behave well in lessons and around the school over time. Most pupils say they feel safe and that instances of bullying are rare.
Although the school responds appropriately to concerns about bullying, the systems for recording and monitoring the impact of their actions sometimes lack rigour. Strong leadership has ensured this cohesive community shares a common sense of purpose. Senior leaders and managers have an accurate view of the school's strengths and weaknesses.
The systems to manage teachers' performance have led to sustained improvements in teaching and pupils' achievement across the school. However, the feedback teachers' receive on their practice is not always precise enough to bring about further improvements.
Information about the school
This is an average-sized primary school.
Most pupils are of White British heritage. There are increasing numbers of pupils from minority ethnic groups, although the overall figure is lower than the national average. There are fewer pupils who speak English as an additional language than found nationally.
The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average. The number of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is in line with the national figure but there are fewer pupils with a statement of special educational needs than found nationally. The school has received the National Healthy Schools Award; International Schools Award; Activemark; Eco-Schools Award and the Dyslexia Friendly Award.
The school meets the government floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for attainment and progress. The school houses a privately run out-of-hours childcare provision, which is subject to a separate inspection. The latest report is available on the Ofsted website.
Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.