St Swithun’s CofE Primary School

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About St Swithun’s CofE Primary School

Name St Swithun’s CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Caroline Knighton
Address Grundy Crescent, Kennington, Oxford, OX1 5PS
Phone Number 01865415105
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 413
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

There is a strong sense of community and togetherness in this friendly church school. Pupils feel secure, included, happy and well cared for.

They have great trust and confidence in the adults around them, so positive relationships flourish.

Leaders expect all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve highly. This is reflected in the ambitious curriculum they have put in place.

Leaders have thought carefully about what is important for children to experience in the early years, and how this learning is built on over the coming years. This means all pupils are well prepared for their next stage of learning....r/>
The idea that everyone should be included at this school is shared by both staff and pupils.

Occasionally, when pupils need extra support to learn to manage their behaviour, leaders make sure they get it. Pupils are very clear that no one here tolerates bullying. This means that everyone is able to concentrate on learning, and behaviour is calm and settled.

Assemblies provide pupils with enjoyable and memorable opportunities to perform. This could be playing a musical instrument or getting into costume to bring a Bible story to life.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Children get off to a very strong start in the early years.

In the nursery and through into Reception year, they are provided with well-planned activities which invite them into play and learning. The skilled adults seize every opportunity to promote learning and develop children's curiosity. They patiently teach children how to share and take turns.

This helps children to cooperate on problem-solving or creative tasks, such as the new 'woodwork workshop'. Adults sensitively provide appropriate additional support for those children who need it both to overcome barriers to learning and to extend opportunities where children show they have a talent.

Building on these foundations, leaders have put in place a clearly organised curriculum.

Detailed plans across all subject areas are well ordered. They clearly outline the key knowledge that pupils need to know. Subject leaders have had some training to develop their expertise.

They are passionate about what they aspire for all pupils to achieve. In the foundation subjects, however, there is not yet a clear process in place for teachers to check which parts of the curriculum pupils have learned and remembered. This means that some gaps in learning may go unnoticed.

Staff are equally ambitious for pupils with SEND to achieve highly. Identification of any additional needs is prioritised, and leaders collaborate with specialists and families to put appropriate provision in place. Pupil profile plans detail the additional strategies some pupils need so that staff can support their success.

Leaders make sure reading is a priority. The teaching of phonics is a strength, and this starts from the beginning of Reception. Top quality daily teaching helps pupils to learn their sounds and read new words.

They practise their reading in books that match the sounds they know. The staff are well trained and knowledgeable, so they quickly notice if pupils need extra help at any stage. These pupils get targeted expert support so that they learn to read.

Leaders aspire for all pupils to develop a love of reading.

Pupils appreciate the school trips and residentials which help them to grow their independence. Opportunities to apply to take on a responsibility, such as school councillor or sports leader, are held in high esteem by the pupils.

They enjoy assemblies when they learn about the different religions of their friends in the school. Leaders have created an environment which has nurtured pupils' inquisitiveness and interest about the diverse wider world. Leaders know they need to build on this curiosity and embed even more richer opportunities for pupils to engage with views and beliefs that are different from their own.

Behaviour around school is generally calm, and there is an atmosphere of purposeful focus in lessons. The respectful culture established in school means that pupils listen to adults and are considerate of their classmates. Pupils are taught about how to build positive friendships.

This means that it is unusual for pupils to fall out or have friendships issues. If this happens, pupils trust adults to resolve things kindly and quickly.

Staff are proud to work here.

There is a great team spirit, and they feel valued by leaders. Governors have a strong understanding of their roles. They know the school well.

Governors share leaders' dedication to high expectations, and they work together effectively on school priorities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders, staff and governors take safeguarding seriously.

Records are detailed and accurate, and demonstrate close working with other agencies when this is needed.

Pupils learn through the curriculum about how to stay safe. Well-trained staff recognise when a child may be at risk from harm or may be vulnerable.

When urgent help is needed, leaders are swift to put support in place within school. Complex situations are handled with sensitivity and depth of care for the pupils and families involved.

Leaders have effective systems to support the safe recruitment of staff.

They complete methodical checks on potential employees.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Assessment in the foundation subjects is not consistently in place. As a result, teachers and subject leaders do not always know how secure pupils are in their knowledge acquisition.

Leaders now need to monitor the effectiveness of assessments across all subjects to ensure that pupils embed knowledge and use it fluently. ? Pupils' depth of knowledge and understanding about different religions and ways of life could be further developed. Leaders now need to weave enhanced experiences throughout the curriculum, so that pupils have even more opportunities to considerately question and debate at a deeper level, and engage with beliefs and ways of life that are different from their own.

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