St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School, Heaton

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About St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School, Heaton

Name St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School, Heaton
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Vinny Turner
Address Heaton Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE6 5HN
Phone Number 01912655076
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 211
Local Authority Newcastle upon Tyne
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school's vision is that all pupils who attend will 'Shine in Little Ways'. However, the school does this in a big way.

Staff ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to shine. There are many opportunities for pupils to achieve, both academically and in the wider curriculum. Pupils develop their talent and interests through participating in a wide range of clubs and activities.'

Chimney Sweep' is a particular highlight. This is a drama, singing and acting club which many pupils enjoy attending.

Pupils study an ambitious curriculum which begins in the early years.

The school ensures that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabili...ties (SEND) study the same curriculum as their classmates. Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school. Exceptionally strong learning habits begin in Reception.

This ensures that children are fully ready for key stage 1. Staff know pupils very well. Staff use regular assessment to ensure that they have a precise understanding of pupils' knowledge and what they need to learn next.

This means that they provide the most appropriate work for each pupil.

Pupils behave exceptionally well. Lessons are purposeful.

Pupils work hard without interruption or distraction. Attitudes to learning are overwhelmingly positive. Many pupils speak of their love of the subjects that they study.

Pupils are very confident that staff will swiftly resolve any issues that may arise. Pupils report that staff have a 'sixth sense' and know when they need help or support.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is extremely well designed and fully implemented by staff.

From the early years to Year 6 the curriculum is designed to build on prior learning. The order in which pupils will learn new knowledge and revisit previous knowledge is precise and clear. Staff are ambitious that all pupils will become experts in each subject.

The curriculum is designed to enable pupils to build precise knowledge of how to work like a historian or how to problem-solve like a mathematician. Staff use subject-specific vocabulary from the early years to ensure that pupils develop a firm grasp of subject-specific terminology. In Reception, children use the mathematical term 'subitise' with confidence.

In Year 3, pupils use precise language to show their understanding of different periods of history, for example 'neolithic' and 'palaeolithic'.

Staff are adept at using skilful questioning to precisely check what pupils know and understand. Other assessment strategies are used to enable staff to understand where pupils may have gaps in their knowledge.

Teachers make great use of sessions where pupils revise their learning. Pupils know that this helps them to know more and remember the crucial facts across the curriculum. Teachers adapt their teaching, if necessary, to ensure that any gaps in learning are addressed.

The needs of pupils with SEND are quickly identified. Staff access high-quality training to know exactly how to support these pupils. Staff make subtle adaptations to resources to allow pupils with SEND to access the same work as their peers.

Support given to pupils with SEND in lessons is superb, enabling them to participate fully in lessons. Parents and carers are happy with the support that their children receive. All pupils are able to attend extra-curricular activities.

This includes sporting activities, where some pupils excel.

There is a love of reading in this school. The phonics programme begins in early years.

There is sharp use of assessment so that staff know which sounds pupils may struggle with. Pupils receive the right intervention to help them to learn these sounds. Staff use regular assessment to ensure that pupils are reading books that match their reading ability.

Once older pupils reach the highest level, they can become 'free readers'. This enables them to select more sophisticated, but age-appropriate fiction to read. Many older pupils are ambitious to become 'free readers'.

The school has very high expectations for pupils' behaviour. These are consistently met. Pupils are particularly polite and kind to one another.

They report that unkind language is exceptionally rare. Pupils feel safe in school and are encouraged to discuss their feelings with staff. 'Time to Talk' is an initiative to ensure that pupils know there is an adult that they can speak to if they are worried.

In Reception, children are given opportunities to share how they are feeling. This enables staff to quickly establish if a child is not feeling their best.

The way in which the school nurtures pupils' personal development is exemplary.

Pupils have a deep understanding of the importance of the fundamental British values. Pupils are tolerant and respectful to all. Pupils contribute significantly to the local community.

Staff organise litter-picking and volunteering in a refugee centre and food bank to be routinely undertaken by pupils.

Staff are very well supported by leaders. They are overwhelmingly proud to work at the school.

Trustees and governors know the school very well. They have an accurate view of its strengths and ensure that leaders are evaluative and reflective. The trust has recognised the strengths of staff at this school and some of them lead on whole-trust work.

Leaders engage well with parents. For example, parents can attend informal coffee mornings and are kept up to date with their child's progress.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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