St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Justin Dachtler
Address Montacute Road, Morden, SM4 6RL
Phone Number 02086481846
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 475
Local Authority Merton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Key findings

This is a good school. Relationships between staff and pupils are supportive and built on mutual trust. Pupils, staff and the vast majority of parents and carers are very positive about the school and its work.

Pupils make better than the expected progress from their low starting points. Attainment in Year 6 is currently above national expectations. Pupils develop their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills effectively.

Standards in reading skills have now overtaken those in writing as a result of the school's focus in the last year. Improvements in mathematics have continued with a greater proportion of pupils working at higher levels, although insufficient opportunities are take...n to reinforce numeracy skills in other subjects. The quality of teaching is good across the school with some that is outstanding in Years 4 and 6.

There is some variation in the pace of learning as pupils are not always sufficiently active in their learning or the work set does not challenge them enough to meet their interests, needs or abilities. Consequently, progress within key stages is uneven, especially for higher attaining pupils. Responses from parental and pupil questionnaires confirm the inspectors' judgement that the good behaviour seen in lessons and around the school is typical.

Pupils display positive attitudes to learning and enjoy being in school. Attendance has improved and is now above average. Leadership and management are good overall.

The headteacher and assistant headteacher are effective in providing clear direction. Middle managers have become more accountable for the quality of teaching but their impact on raising achievement is uneven. Governors support the school well and offer constructive challenge and attend well to all aspects of pupils' safety.

Information about the school

This school is larger than the average-sized primary school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below the average nationally. Most pupils attending the school are of White British heritage.

The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language has increased in recent years and is now nearly three times the average nationally. The proportion of pupils joining or leaving the school at other than the normal times is below average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs is below average.

Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are taught in designated Nursery and Reception classes. There is a breakfast club that is not managed by the governing body and this is subject to a separate inspection. The school meets the government's current floor standard for academic performance.

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