St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

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About St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School

Name St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jadwiga Richmond-Wojtulewicz
Address Dartmouth Avenue, Coalpool, Walsall, WS3 1SP
Phone Number 01922720712
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 296
Local Authority Walsall
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leadership and management are outstanding. School leaders have high aspirations with a proven track record of improving teaching and outcomes for pupils. Leaders know the strengths and areas for development within the school and are taking informed action to improve the school further.

The curriculum is rich and varied and learning in the classroom is supported by a range of extra-curricular activities. The promotion of fundamental British values and the development of pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness are strong. There is a great deal of high-quality teaching in the school and this has led to outstanding outcomes for a numbe...r of pupils.

Pupils make rapid progress in Key Stage 2, particularly in mathematics and writing. Children settle into nursery provision well and make rapid progress in the Reception Year. Disadvantaged pupils make outstanding progress in the school.

A greater proportion of these pupils than disadvantaged pupils nationally make expected and above expected progress in Key Stage 2. The behaviour of pupils is outstanding. They are considerate, kind and polite and behave extremely well both inside and outside of the classroom.

School leaders promote outstanding personal development and welfare. Pupils are very safe and attendance has improved since the last inspection. Pupils are proud of their school and take responsibilities they are given seriously.

They are well prepared for secondary school and life in modern Britain. Governance is strong. Governors have the range of skills and experience to ensure that the school has outstanding leadership.

Staff work well with parents in order to improve outcomes for their children. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Teaching is not consistently of the highest standard and outcomes in Key Stage 1 do not match those elsewhere in the school. Progress in reading is not yet as strong as that in mathematics and writing.

Information about this school

St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School is an average-sized primary school. Almost half of the pupils are from minority ethnic groups and the proportion who speak English as an additional language is well above the national average. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for pupil premium is well above average.

The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs or disability is well above average. A high proportion of pupils join the school at other than the usual times when pupils start school. Eight pupils joined part way through last year's Year 2 and more than a quarter of pupils in last year's Year 6 joined after the start of Key Stage 2.

The school meets the government's current floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress. Until recently, the headteacher was the executive headteacher of another school outside the local authority but within the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The deputy headteacher led the school when the headteacher was not on site.

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