St. Augustine’s Academy

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About St. Augustine’s Academy

Name St. Augustine’s Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Amanda Howes
Address Oakwood Avenue, Dunstable, LU5 4AS
Phone Number 01582661778
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 185
Local Authority Central Bedfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The new headteacher has provided strong and effective leadership. Her high expectations of staff and pupils have resulted in a determined and passionate culture to raise standards. The headteacher is supported well by the newly appointed and experienced deputy headteacher.

She has had a positive impact on her areas of responsibility, including the curriculum and early years. Other leaders are new to their posts and consequently their impact varies. Training and guidance for staff are effective in holding all staff to account for the progress and outcomes of pupils.

As a result, the quality of teaching is improving. The governing body work...s effectively in partnership with senior leaders to monitor and improve the provision. They ask challenging questions of leaders and support the improvements made in the school through monitoring and feedback.

A new assessment system ensures that teachers assess pupils accurately. This is enabling teachers to better understand what pupils know and can do. Self-evaluation of the school is accurate because leaders seek a range of views to assess how the school is doing and what it needs to do next.

Pupils' behaviour has improved under the new leadership team. Exclusions have reduced. Pupils are now supported well in managing their behaviour.

The early years is strong. Children are acquiring basic skills effectively. This is because : leaders and teachers have set clear expectations of what they need to achieve.

While teaching and learning are generally good, there is still more to do to ensure that teaching in all subjects and year groups promotes the best possible outcomes. Pupils' attendance, including that of disadvantaged pupils, is improving. However, the attendance of a number of pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities is not yet good.

Information about this school

The school has undergone significant changes since the last inspection, including changing its status from lower to primary school and having a number of headteachers and staff start and leave. Several new governors have been appointed this academic year after a review of the governing body. The school does not meet the current government floor standards, which are the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics by the end of Year 6.

The proportion of pupils supported by the pupil premium is well above average. School improvement services are commissioned by the school from Central Bedfordshire local authority and a private consultant. A large proportion of pupils join and leave the school during the year.

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