St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Catholic Academy
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About St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Catholic Academy
St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Primary School, A Voluntary Catholic Academy
Leaders fulfil their ambition to develop pupils as 'caring young people, sensitive to the needs of others and proud of the responsibilities they take'.
The rich curriculum develops pupils both socially and academically. Pupils enjoy learning and are appreciative of the high-quality teaching.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.
From the early years, pupils learn a strong moral code and take responsibility for their actions. Pupils are kind and considerate to one another. They feel safe and happy in school.
Bullying is rare. Relationships between staff, pupils and parents are very positive. Pupils know that adults listen to their concerns and will help the...m.
Leaders provide a wealth of enrichment activities. There are many after-school clubs, such as 'Rock Steady', a music club, and 'Maths in Motion', linked to Formula 1 racing. Pupils love the overseas visits to Italy and Holland, where they actively learn about life in a different culture.
Pupils learn to serve their school and local community through their many leadership roles. The eco-warriors encourage others to care for the environment. Class chaplains lead aspects of worship.'
Mini Vinnies' organise charitable fundraising events throughout the year.
Pupils flourish in this inspirational school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have created an extremely ambitious curriculum for all pupils, starting from early years.
Personal development and spiritual, moral, social and cultural education thread through the curriculum. There is also an emphasis on celebrating the heritage of the local community. Pupils study artists such as Lucy Pittaway and James Brunt, who work in the area.
The history curriculum gives pupils an insight into how their town developed. Pupils undertake field trips to find out more about the effects of World War Two on Thornaby. In geography, they learn about the River Tees.
Through the curriculum, pupils develop a strong sense of belonging to their community.
Leaders make sure that pupils gain an understanding of their place in the wider world. From Nursery, pupils learn a modern foreign language (MFL).
Pupils in Year 6 can speak, read and write in French with confidence. The MFL curriculum contributes to pupils' understanding of different cultures. This is further developed through whole-school projects such as supporting children in Ukraine.
Pupils sent resources to those in need, enclosing prayers they translated into Ukrainian.
Teachers recap on subject knowledge at the beginning of lessons. They regularly check what pupils know.
Pupils readily recall subject knowledge using technical vocabulary. They have an excellent understanding of what they are learning and why they are learning it. Pupils make connections with their prior learning, which helps them remember even more.
Leaders foster a love of reading. Enticing reading areas around school are well stocked with high-quality books. Pupils visit the local library and enter reading competitions.
Staff are well trained in teaching phonics. They are confident in delivery and there is consistent phonics practice throughout school. Pupils focus well on their learning, making rapid progress from their starting points.
Pupils are very well prepared for the next phase of their education.
Leaders have highly effective systems to identify pupils who may have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers adapt lessons so that pupils with SEND can access the same learning as their peers.
Extra support, such as additional phonics teaching, is in place to address specific individual needs. Pupils with SEND are fully included in the wider life of the school.
Pupils have high expectations of their own behaviour.
They are caring, courteous and polite. Pupils enjoy coming to school and attendance rates are high. Pupil 'well-being champions' promote positive mental health.
Pupils have an excellent understanding about their own mental health needs and those of others. Many pupils benefit from the therapeutic services provided in school.
There is an impressive personal development programme.
Pupils have an excellent understanding of protected characteristics and fundamental British values. Pupils learn about the major world religions. They often learn from one another, as pupils from a variety of backgrounds make up the school community.
Leaders ensure that after-school clubs build on pupils' unique talents.
Children in the early years blossom. They are visibly happy.
The learning areas are inviting and well designed to support children in their development. Adults model communication and language skills very well. Children develop highly positive attitudes to learning which continue throughout school.
Leaders at all levels are relentless in their drive and determination. The governing body and trust offer strong support and challenge. They know the school well.
Staff appreciate the opportunities to work with colleagues across the trust.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe in various situations.
Pupils learn about road safety and how to ride a bicycle safely. Online safety is frequently discussed. The use of electronic devices is further highlighted during the 'Disconnecting and Reconnecting' Week.
Staff know their pupils well. They are quick to identify any changes in behaviour which may indicate a safeguarding concern. Leaders work with external agencies to meet the safeguarding needs of pupils.
Leaders undertake all the required pre-employment checks for staff. Governors and staff receive regular training from the trust. This includes training on the 'Prevent' duty.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.