Stamford Green Primary School and Nursery

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About Stamford Green Primary School and Nursery

Name Stamford Green Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Louise Druce
Address Christ Church Mount, Epsom, KT19 8LU
Phone Number 01372725383
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 695
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend this highly ambitious and inspirational school. They feel a strong sense of belonging.

This gives pupils the confidence to grow and develop high levels of independence. Pupils appreciate the teaching, support and care that they receive from teachers and the wider school community. Pupils rightly say, 'They do not just teach us to learn, they teach us how to be ourselves'.

Pupils are safe and happy. Staff teach them exactly how they should behave from the early years. In all year groups, pupils demonstrate a real thirst for knowledge.

The school's ethos of support and care, alongside a strong culture for learning, contributes to behaving exceptionally well. Pupils are very well-mannered. Classrooms, the playground and the dining hall are all joyful places.

Younger and older children interact with warmth and care.

Pupils learn important leadership skills through varied roles. These include being school councillors, prefects or 'kindness ambassadors'.

Pupils are proud of these roles. Pupils develop a strong moral compass to consider the needs of others. The school considers the needs and interests of pupils from more disadvantaged backgrounds carefully.

These pupils have all been able to take part in additional, well-chosen experiences.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is relentless in its drive to provide the best possible education for all pupils. It has an excellent understanding of what this looks like, and how to achieve it.

As a result, the school has designed an impressive and ambitious curriculum from the school's nursery up until the end of Year 6. There is a very consistent and high-quality approach to teaching. Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

They teach the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a logical sequence. Teachers are expert at checking pupils' understanding and quickly rectifying any gaps in their learning.

Reading is the highest priority in the school's curriculum.

As a result, pupils develop a genuine love for reading at an early age. They are passionate about various authors, remembering many stories they have encountered in school. Pupils learn how to read from a well-structured phonics programme.

They practise reading with books that are carefully matched to the sounds they know. Those who find learning phonics the hardest are given small group support from highly skilled and qualified staff. This gives these pupils, who may be at risk of falling behind, every chance of keeping up with their peers.

Staff consider the provision for children across the early years very carefully. They ensure there are no barriers placed on children's achievements across all areas of the early years curriculum. The quality of care and support for the children is excellent.

Staff support the development of children's communication and language skills well. Children successfully practise their early literacy and numeracy skills often. They eagerly engage in the learning activities on offer superbly.

The school quickly identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND are then supported extremely well. As a result, pupils with SEND, and other groups of disadvantaged pupils, achieve very well and benefit from the same opportunities and experiences as their peers.

Pupils have exceptional attitudes to learning. They listen intently and work hard in lessons. A small proportion of pupils can sometimes find it hard to meet the school's behaviour expectations.

Staff ensure that these pupils are given every opportunity to develop the skills and strategies that they need. This is helping them to become more successful in everyday school life. Generally, pupils' attendance is very strong.

Where there is a concern, the school works with families to improve attendance. This is having considerable success for those whose attendance should be higher.

The school's values are lived in practice.

Everyone is welcome and pupils learn well about different faiths and beliefs. Through respecting the opinions of others, pupils demonstrate a deep understanding of fundamental British values. The school's extensive charity fundraising activities encourage pupils to understand the importance of helping others.

There is a plethora of clubs and other opportunities to develop pupils' interests.

Leaders rigorously evaluate and review their work. Governors know the school well.

They carry out their responsibilities with diligence, including assuring themselves of the safety of pupils and staff. They set a clearly ambitious vision for the school. This inspires staff who aspire to meet it.

This collective drive helps to create a palpable 'family-like' atmosphere which parents and carers, pupils and staff fully appreciate. This ensures that pupils do achieve as well as they can in all areas of school life.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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