Stanhope Primary School

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About Stanhope Primary School

Name Stanhope Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Hannah Widdison
Address Mansell Road, Greenford, UB6 9EG
Phone Number 02085759989
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 367
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and excited to learn here.

The school ensures that all pupils access an ambitious curriculum and achieve well. Children in the early years receive the support, care and curriculum that they need, to get off to an excellent start.

Leaders and staff want learning to be relevant and reflective of the school's community.

This includes encouraging pupils to celebrate differences and treat everyone as individuals. The school promotes its values consistently, which pupils follow and understand.

Behaviour in the school is exemplary.

Pupils respect and care for one another and all members of the school community. The school focuses o...n rewarding positive behaviour and celebrating success. Staff are quick to deal with concerns, including bullying.

They have positive, warm working relationships with pupils. They model respectful behaviour and attitudes, which pupils respond to very positively. Staff help to keep pupils safe and happy here.

From early years onwards, the school provides pupils with multiple enrichment opportunities. Leaders encourage high levels of pupil participation and have ambitious aspirations for all. The provision for performing arts and work on social responsibility are real strengths of the school.

Pupils take great pride in performing to a variety of audiences through participation in competitions for speech and drama and 'memory championships.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum. Leaders at all levels have considered the key knowledge and skills that they want pupils to know.

The curriculum is carefully sequenced to help pupils build on their prior learning in a subject. Alongside this, the school has purposefully intertwined diversity and equality into all areas of the curriculum. This helps pupils to understand the world in which they live.

In early years, curriculum thinking is very strong. Adults expertly support children to develop strong foundations of knowledge across the curriculum. Including promoting children's independence and emotional development.

For example, in Reception, children were prompted to take turns to make and sell a range of food items.

Pupils learn well. Teaching supports pupils to grasp the concepts and ideas set out in the curriculum.

Teachers check regularly on what pupils have already learned. However, there are times when teaching choices are not adapted to deepen pupils' understanding. This reduces how well pupils are supported to further their learning in some subjects.

The school has a strong focus on reading and nurtures a love of books. Staff have the skills and expertise to teach phonics effectively. From the start of Reception, children learn to read using phonics.

The school ensures that all pupils have books that match the sounds that pupils know. Those pupils who struggle with reading receive timely support. This includes pupils in older year groups who arrive at the school at very early stages of speaking English as an additional language.

Pupils are given regular reading time to help them to become confident and fluent readers. The school ensures that pupils enjoy a considerable choice of different texts. Pupils proudly earn coloured ribbons for reading different quantities of books.

The school has extremely high expectations for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). These pupils access the same ambitious learning as their peers. Staff support pupils to learn successfully, and where needed, SEND pupils have access to expert support which increases their independence.

Behaviour throughout the school is extremely calm and positive. Teachers swiftly refocus pupils who may lose concentration so that learning in lessons continues uninterrupted. In early years, staff develop children's understanding of routines from the first day that they enter the school.

Children play well together, take turns and share equipment. For instance, children were able to independently choose their roles when using the outside 'shopping area'. There has been a strong impact on attendance rates due to the school's tenacious efforts.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exemplary. The school's values are carefully woven throughout all aspects of school life. There are diverse leadership roles for pupils, such as attendance ambassadors, eco warriors, cyber mentors and pupil parliament representatives.

Pupils with SEND are encouraged and supported to participate fully in the wider curriculum offer. Starting from the early years, the curriculum incorporates competitions and performances which are designed to help pupils explore their talents further and put their growing expertise into practice. This includes participation in concerts, various sporting activities and events that celebrate diversity.

A range of trips give pupils the opportunity to find out more about their local area and London landmarks. For example, pupils have been on educational outings to the Royal Albert Hall and Royal Opera House.

The school shows a strong commitment to the pupils and community that it serves.

Leaders and staff involve parents and carers closely in their children's education and give them help to support learning at home. Parents are highly positive about all the guidance and care that the school gives them.

The well-being of staff has been a priority over the last year.

Staff are very appreciative of and extremely positive about the support that they receive, including the introduction of a 'well-being charter'. Staff morale is high and staff said how much that they enjoy working at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, some of the activities that pupils are set in Years 1 to 6 do not help them to deepen knowledge as well as they could. This means that once pupils have grasped a concept, there are occasions where the curriculum does not enable them to further extend their understanding. The school should ensure that teaching consistently considers and sets activities that fully support the deepening of pupils' understanding.

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