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This is an outstanding school Led by the highly effective headteacher, the school's leaders provide an excellent environment for learning so pupils achieve very well. Pupils' progress is strongly enhanced by the successful federation between this school and its main infant feeder school.
Pupils make outstanding progress from their starting points. Lower achieving and disadvantaged pupils make significantly above average progress. The school's leaders successfully remove barriers to pupils' progress.
In 2015, very strong progress led to a higher than average proportion of Year 6 pupils achieving level 5 and above in writing and in English punctuation, spelling ...and grammar. Published information indicates a dip in pupils' progress, including that of disadvantaged pupils, in reading, in 2015. However, pupils currently at the school make very strong, and in some cases exceptionally strong, progress in reading.
The reading and writing leaders are highly skilled and, as a result, teachers consistently employ very effective approaches to teaching reading and writing. Disadvantaged pupils do very well. There are few gaps between their progress and others within school and nationally.
Any gaps that currently exist are narrow and there are excellent plans in place to ensure that they are rapidly closed. The new approach for tracking pupils' progress is effective. It deftly helps leaders to identify pupils The mathematics leader's strong subject knowledge and excellent understanding of how pupils best acquire mathematical skills has led to better progress.
The curriculum is a strength of the school because : it ensures that pupils acquire the skills they need to achieve in a wide range of academic subjects, as well as a passion for arts and music. Pupils are very well taught in history, geography and science. They develop strong subject knowledge and enthusiasm for these subjects.
Pupils' attendance is very high because they relish their schooling and if their attendance dips, leaders take highly effective action. Pupils' behaviour is excellent in lessons and around school. Pupils display a heartfelt enjoyment for the subjects they study.
Pupils are very positive about their learning. They learn from each other, and support the pupils they are partnered with very well. Safeguarding is very effectively led.
The leader has extensive local knowledge, which enables her to pinpoint where the biggest risks lie and act accordingly to prevent pupils from being harmed. The school's work to promote social, spiritual, moral and cultural education is exceptional because it is thoroughly planned and evaluated. More effective governance has made a significant contribution to moving the school forward.
A number of governors have used their extensive knowledge to challenge the school to do better. who need to make rapid progress to catch up. They have provided leaders with useful guidance.
Information about this school
Stanton School is slightly smaller than average for a primary school. The school is in a 'hard' federation with the nearby Pepper Hill School. The two schools share a headteacher, senior leadership team and governing body.
Since the previous inspection, there have been significant changes in the staffing at Stanton School, including a new Chair of the Governing Body. Just under 60% of pupils are White British. Just under one third of pupils' first language is thought to be other than English, which is above average.
The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs or disability is below average. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils who are supported by pupil premium funding is well above average. Just over half the pupils in the school are eligible for this additional funding.
The pupil premium is extra government funding to support the education of pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals, and children who are looked after by the local authority. There is a before-school breakfast club that is operated by the school. The school meets the government's floor standards, which are minimum expectations for progress and attainment.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.