Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

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About Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School

Name Stanwell Fields CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Jodie Stilwell
Address Clare Road, Stanwell, Staines-upon-Thames, TW19 7DB
Phone Number 01784258082
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 439
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a rapidly improving school which provides an increasingly good quality of education for its pupils.

New leaders are working hard to improve all areas of provision. Expectations of pupils' conduct and engagement in learning are high. Consequently, pupils are learning more and their achievements in a range of subjects are much better than before.

Although the attendance of some could be better, pupils told inspectors that they now enjoy school. Pupils were very clear that the poor behaviour that marred their earlier school experiences has now largely been eradicated. They put this down to 'stricter staff' who deal with potential disruptions well.

They a...lso said that bullying used to be a problem, but that 'meanness' is now dealt with quickly by staff and does not worry them, unlike in the past.

Although a small minority of parents retain their negative views of the school, many more recognise the improving picture at Stanwell Fields. Staff who talked to inspectors and the very large majority who completed Ofsted's staff questionnaire are positive about the school.

This was summed up by a comment that staff and pupils were increasingly able to 'shine', because of the changing culture at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Much has been achieved in a short period of time since the school converted to become an academy. New governance arrangements and new appointments into leadership positions, including a new headteacher, have been transformational.

Although there is still much to do, strong foundations have been laid for the school to improve further.

The early years is a strength of the school. The curriculum here is carefully thought through with clear links to what children will need to know as they move into Year 1 and beyond.

Children play and work together well. They feel safe because staff know them well and the learning environment is comfortable and welcoming.

The school's wider curriculum has been strengthened in the last two years.

However, leaders are not complacent and are constantly looking for ways to develop it further. Improvements in the quality of teaching in reading, writing and mathematics are clear to see.

The science curriculum is fit for purpose, with pupils enjoying the different layers of challenge that staff set for them during lessons.

Pupils listen carefully and engage well in activities and tasks in science. For instance, pupils in Year 6 were enthusiastic during a lesson about inherited characteristics and the work of Darwin and Mendel. This included pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who were supported effectively to access key language and learning.

Pupils' personal, social and health education (PSHE) is also catered for well. Pupils were able to explain their prior learning when asked, including their work linked to the school's own values and the importance of the work they had completed to help prepare them for life in modern Britain. Pupils' personal development is also supported well by a range of extra-curricular opportunities, including clubs, educational visits, and residential trips.

Older pupils in particular have a clear understanding of the potential dangers associated with using the internet and know what to do if they have problems when using social media.

Leaders have prioritised improvements in the way pupils are taught to read. A new phonics scheme has been introduced.

Staff have been trained appropriately to deliver it. New phonics resources are available and used effectively, including for pupils with SEND, those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and those in danger of falling behind. As a result, the school's Year 1 phonics screening check saw a significant uplift in 2019.

Leaders have also given a high priority to developing pupils' enjoyment of reading across the school. A beautifully refurbished library excites pupils' interest in books, for instance. Raising the profile of reading across the school is already paying dividends in improved outcomes in national tests and assessments at the end of Years 2 and 6.

However, some staff in key stage 2 are inconsistent in their approach to reading with pupils. Additionally, leaders are unclear about what books some years groups are reading, with pupils in parallel classes sometimes experiencing a different range and quality in the books they are introduced to.

Pupils enjoy their mathematics lessons.

Staff are confident and clear about what knowledge and skills pupils should be taught as they move through the school. They have access to the resources they need, although leaders are aware of some inconsistencies in approach to teaching mathematics in some year groups. Nevertheless, pupils achieve well in mathematics.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand their responsibilities to keep pupils safe. Their training is up to date and has recently focused on the risks and dangers pupils may encounter in the local community.

Staff know what to do if they have concerns.

Leaders and governors also understand their responsibilities to protect the welfare, health and safety of pupils and staff. Statutory checks on adults and effective policies and procedures are all in place.

Pupils told inspectors they feel safe and cared for in school. The large majority of parents who replied to Ofsted's questionnaire also think that their children feel safe in school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Leaders have been successful at strengthening the school's provision to develop pupils' early reading skills.

Encouraging a love of reading and ensuring that older pupils have equitable access to a wide range of high-quality texts are less well developed. Leaders should prioritise this, so that all pupils learn to value and enjoy books and reading before they move on to the next stage of their education. .

Rates of pupil absence, particularly persistent absence, remain stubbornly high. Leaders and governors are aware of this but now need to redouble their efforts to improve attendance. This will ensure that pupils, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, attend school more often and so benefit from the better quality of education the school is now providing.

. Although the school has improved significantly in all areas, a minority of parents continue to hold negative views about some aspects of the school's work. This is no doubt due in part to the legacy of the past, but leaders and those in positions of governance need to work harder at improving the perception parents have of the quality of provision, so that parents have more confidence in the school as it improves further over time.

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