Stawley Primary School

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About Stawley Primary School

Name Stawley Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Jacqui Collier
Address Appley Cross, Ashbrittle, Wellington, TA21 0HH
Phone Number 01823672486
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 60
Local Authority Somerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders' actions have ensured that the quality of teaching is consistently good across the school. This has ensured that pupils in all classes are making good, sometimes rapid, progress.

Pupils achieve well in reading, writing and mathematics. High proportions reach a deeper level of understanding in their learning by the end of Year 6, particularly in reading and mathematics. By the end of Year 6, pupils make progress above that of pupils nationally in all three subjects.

In reading and mathematics their progress is strongly above that of pupils nationally. The school ensures that pupils have the skills to succeed in the next stage of th...eir education. In 2018, every pupil in Year 6 reached the expected standard for their age in the combined measure of reading, writing and mathematics.

Disadvantaged pupils are supported to make good progress. Their needs are understood well. The additional funds are well spent.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make good progress from their different starting points. Pupils behave very well at school. They have positive attitudes to learning and want to do well.

The school is a friendly and cohesive community. Children in the early years receive a strong start to their education. Children transferring from the pre-school are well prepared to access the learning they will meet in the Reception Year.

At the end of their Reception Year, children have the skills they need to ensure that they do well in Year 1. Teachers plan an interesting curriculum which motivates pupils to want to learn. Pupils say that teachers make learning fun.

This promotes pupils' strong attitudes to learning. However, in the curriculum for some subjects, particularly history, it is hard to identify a clear progression for the development of skills. Changes to the teaching of mathematics have ensured that the progress pupils, including the most able, make in mathematics has increased rapidly.

However, these changes are yet to be fully embedded in all teaching. Governors are clear about the strategic direction, and areas of development, for the school. However, their monitoring of aspects of the school's work does not always give them the information they need in order to check for themselves what leaders tell them.

Information about this school

Stawley Primary School is much smaller than an average primary school. Pupils are taught in three mixed-age classes. The school runs a provision for pre-school children.

Most pupils are of White British heritage. The number of pupils with English as an additional language is well below the national average. The number of pupils eligible for support from the additional pupil premium funding is growing, but is still below the national average.

The proportion of pupils with SEND is higher than the national average. The school is close to the county border with Devon. Pupils come from both Devon and Somerset.

The school is one of two small schools in the Wellington Area Rural Federation. The federation supports a third small school. The headteacher of this school is the executive headteacher of the federation.

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